The "Advance" Scandanavian
The "Advance" Scandinavian is harmless for black, and gives black a very comfortable version of the Caro/French after 2... c5. In the Caro-Kann, black uses two moves to play ...c5, so it's a tempo more than the Caro, and in the French black's bishop is not able to get outside the pawn chain.
And I wouldn't call the Scandinavian "about as aggressive as you can get" :) Usually my Scandinavian games are rather boring. When I want an aggressive game I'll play the Dragon or another Sicilian variation, which is much more aggressive.
I dabbled with 2.e5 before but its not the best. Playable but there are better options for sure. You can try and set up a Kings Indian Attack type position after 2.e5 but it can get a little tough since normally in the KIA you wait and then play e5. I started using it trying to play transpose to KIA positions where Black is prevented from playing ...Nf6 and then the tempo saving move g4 could be played (insted of g3 with the idea of transferring a Knight to g3 aswell as possible storm on the kingside [sounds good but doesnt work!]ha) but it think its a little hard to play. Sounds like a good idea but there is probably something in it for blitz i just dont know.
I played this a lot when I was a scholastic. At the lower lever, it had a little value in pushing into enemy territory early, sort of an illusory way to push the initiative. But against opponents of any skill, it gives up tempo and leaves weakness in its wake. I do still play advance when I face a French and have a little flashback moment.
1.e4 d5 2.e5 Bf5.
This goes into a French-like position except Black doesn't have a bad bishop.
If it was a blitz game i would hit you with 3.g4.
It cuts me to the bone whenever one plays the French against me. I usually reply 1...e6 to 2. Qe2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why ruin a scandinavian just to transpose to a boring Frenchie? By the way, playing an advance French (i know, Scandinavian) releases the tension too early.
I've been fooling around (as White) with 1. e4 d5 2. e5 - a sort of "Advance" version of the Scandanavian. Black has various replies - e6 or c5 seem to be the most popular from the games I've found. If I was black, I'd probably favor c5 to prevent d4.
It really changes the whole nature of the Scandy from a series of forced moves in a blown-open position at start to a much different game.
BTW, If black played e6, I'd probably play e4, at which point we have a French by transposition, which I find hilarious - moving from the Scandanavian (about as aggressive as you can get) to the French Advance (about as quiet and strategic as you can get)!