
The Best Opening?


I know there is no best opening but I wonder what is best opening for white and black that controls the board well also being aggressive I just mean what is best controling but also aggressive opening for all levels


I am an extremely aggressive player too, I can't control myself, I tried the kings gambit with some good results. I have been preoccupied for a few months and am back in the mix (veyr rusty), and wish to learn a couple of new openings. Suggestions would also be welcome by me.

Thanks for the post op.


The Best Openings have already been discovered.

They have been found by humans and engines.

- Ruy Lopez

- Queen Gambit

Those are the best all time Classical openings, but they are often not recommended to beginners.


If you like tactical games play 1. e4, if you like positional games where you focus on occupying space play 1. d4.

There are tons of options available to you in either opening, each with different styles and tradeoffs associated with them. You can play an aggressive 1. d4 repertoire, and you can play a more positional 1. e4 repertoire... but in general 1. e4 is more tactical i.e. aggressive.

Personally I prefer the italian to the ruy lopez, mainly due to the berlin, but that's a matter of taste. If you like aggressive sharp lines there are certainly many of those available throughout e4/e5, and many good ones in the italian. Though you can also play the italian in a slower more positional way via the piano / pianissimo.

Just watch some videos on the various openings and get acquainted with them, hanging pawns has good ones.


< 1000 rated players (actually more than that threshold) should pay very little attention to openings, and much more to tactics and basic strategy.