The Chigorin Defense
Nxe5 and the opponent's Knight is pinned to the Queen.
Yes, it mean tears
Then I won't be able to pull that trap on you, but I have the chance to spring another one instead
I think one cannot memorise moves because it depend on your opponent though we can have some couple of STARTS.
I am a learner can anyone help me with this moves because i only have (a - h) horizontal and (1-8) vertical. where do you have all these qe4 or Bqe......
Someone should pls help!
I think one cannot memorise moves because it depend on your opponent though we can have some couple of STARTS.
I am a learner can anyone help me with this moves because i only have (a - h) horizontal and (1-8) vertical. where do you have all these qe4 or Bqe......
Someone should pls help!
each square is named: a1, a2,a3 etc until a8. Next column is b1, b2,b3 etc.
When you move the king's pawn forward two squares, it is written e4. This is the square the pawn went to.
If I had moved a knight to that square I would write Ne4 as N = knight. If I had moved the queen to e4 then it would be Qe4 as Q = Queen
Here are the others. K = King, Q = Queen, R = Rook, B = Bishop and we use N = Knight because the K is already in use by the King.
Castle short is 0-0 because there are two spaces or holes between the king and the rook and 0-0-0 for castling long.
If I have a knight on f3 and want to move my other one to d2 then it is written Nbd2 signifying which knight went to d2.
Does that help?