Very interesting indeed. Lots of dangerous combinations if white don't think twice before playing. However an advanced player will get out of it with a little advantage for white.
Thanks for this interesting game.
Very interesting indeed. Lots of dangerous combinations if white don't think twice before playing. However an advanced player will get out of it with a little advantage for white.
Thanks for this interesting game.
Do you seriously think you have found a great opening Grandmasters couldn't find in 200 years of professional chess? It's good to be creative, but to seriously think that you've done a great discovery...
Maybe you can post a game viewer (click the first icon above the reply box) with your great new opening so we can see how great it is and tell you why it may not be so great after all.
As white, I'm not obligated to accept your sac.
then I'm gauranteed to win a queen in exchange for my knight or a rook for free.
Just because an opening works a few times against average players mean that it's a good opening....
Scholar's mate works against beginners, but good luck against a GM.
Well, I just wanted to say nice job, studying and opening and working it through!!! I wish that I had the amount of time needed to do what you have done..."it is better to have a plan...and fail...then not to have a plan at all", I am however, dissapointed that there seem only to be critics out there to your your young age I believe you need to be encouraged to try and achieve the best you can, so congrats. |
You should listen to the criticism, if you want to develop it into a really strong opening you need to think about what you do when your opponent doesn't play the moves you want them to.
I think that credit should be given here. The counterplay is sharp - and devastating to white. White's "fried liver" ends up becoming "guts for garters." How about posting some of the variations Fredster? What happens if white refuses the bishop sacrifice?
And thanks for sharing your thinking. Some of the posters above could learn from your generous example. I look forward to your next post.
not that great..what about 1. 0-0?
also, the fried liver attack is already the name of a different opening, so that's plagerizing.
You should read Bendcat's blog - Fried Liver No More!
It starts by showing some examples of Fried Liver games, then goes on to show the Traxler Attack with some example games.
this is a opening for black in reply to white's attack on F7 with the fried liver/tunnel attack (whateva u want to call it)
I have been studying it and it is a great position for black in the long run even though it sacks a bishop early on u guarenteed to gain back here are moves for white and black
1. E4, E5, NF3, NC6, BC4, NC6, NG5, BC5 (the great move), NF7, BF1x, KF1, Ne4x and then however the king moves now u either bring the queen to H4 or F6 to potentially win the knight on F7!!!!! a great opening which sud be published I hope you like it and tell people Freddie Sugden is his name!
if you want more details on it then message me and i will tell u the main statistics and theorys behind it!