Blacks play is legitimate (the Wilkes-Barre, as noted above) ... the safest way for white to proceed goes a little like this:
5 Bxf7+ Kf8 or Ke7
6 Bd5
Here's a game where I played the white side of this, against an experienced practitioner of the opening:
Both sides play text for quite a few turns( 10 .... Bg4 is the first mistake, I think)..... whites first ten or eleven moves were plucked from Yuri Estrin's book "The Two Knights Defence".
He claims its an awesome out, but he went for the Queen instead of going for an obvious Checkmate. I dont know if anyone else pointed this out, but here is what I see, starting with his number 5 move...
The board doesnt seem to be loading on mine... :-(
Here is what Ive got, starting at his Bxd5 move...
1. Bxd5 Qg4+ 2. Ke3 Qf4+ 3. Ke2 Bg4+ 4. Ke1 Qf2#
"You should listen to the criticism"
so here it is ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is pathetic , i would REALLY like to see you try that shit in a real game !!
" a great opening which sud be published I hope you like it and tell people Freddie Sugden is his name!
if you want more details on it then message me and i will tell u the main statistics and theorys behind it!" You cant even notate your "great opening that sud be published" " 1. E4, E5, NF3, NC6, BC4, NC6," maybe im just a begginer (highest rating of 1624 !!) but i didnt know there could be 2 knights on 1 square !!
please dude , keep your NEW BEST OPENING . because it is retarded. you probably spent a whole day thinkin it up and it was a day well wasted , there is no person on earth who would have that published. there are many ways to counter that even after the king has taken the bishop and you cant win the knight because it is still being protected by the bishop , so you have lost pieces . stick to knitting. and leave chess to the big boys...........
"You should listen to the criticism"
so here it is ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is pathetic , i would REALLY like to see you try that shit in a real game !!
" a great opening which sud be published I hope you like it and tell people Freddie Sugden is his name!
if you want more details on it then message me and i will tell u the main statistics and theorys behind it!" You cant even notate your "great opening that sud be published" " 1. E4, E5, NF3, NC6, BC4, NC6," maybe im just a begginer (highest rating of 1624 !!) but i didnt know there could be 2 knights on 1 square !!
please dude , keep your NEW BEST OPENING . because it is retarded. you probably spent a whole day thinkin it up and it was a day well wasted , there is no person on earth who would have that published. there are many ways to counter that even after the king has taken the bishop and you cant win the knight because it is still being protected by the bishop , so you have lost pieces . stick to knitting. and leave chess to the big boys...........
This guy has not the first idea what he is talking about. The opening 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4 Nf6 4 Ng5 Bc5 is a real opening that has been published, talked about and played at the highest level many times. Its called the Wilkes-Barre or Traxler.
To take the pawn on f7 with the knight is extremely dangerous for white. Y. Estrin GM gives a whole chapter on this variation in his book "The Two Knight's Defence".
If Krizprodigy fancies the white pieces so much, perhaps he would like to try them against me in the position arising after 5 Nxf7? We could even publish the game afterwards!