The Pirc Defense
Whenever I play against the Pirc, I usually opt for the Austrian Attack which is a very aggressive line. I'm not sure it is as sound as the French and the Sicilian, but it's worth a go.
This is what I know about the Austrian:
It is a greedy plan, with White grabbing all the space he can. If Black does not quickly generate counterplay against White's center, he can be squashed. But, if Black proceeds accurately, then far more counterplay is allowed than in the Classical Variation.
Folks I play the Pirc nearly always as black. Have a look at my games and you'll see the gamut of white tries. I have had some really exciting games against the Austrian Attack lately. I actually think the hardest set ups to play against is the simple set up of pawns e4 and d4, knight f3 and c3 and be2 and 0-0. I have tried Bg4 and c6, indeed I have several such going on right now. I'd highly recommend learniong the Pirc in conjunction with another fianchetto line as black. I play the KID, Pirc or King Fianchetto against virtually any white set up and it mostly works well for me.
I learned originally from a book 30 years ago called King Fianchetto defences by GM D. Marovic. It has Grunfeld, Benoni, Volga etc in also.
I don't know if playing it as an occasional opening is tenable though, it's easy to get squashed if you make a few inaccuracies early on.
I can recommend the book "Pirc Alert!". It gives a clear explanation about the ideas behind the different variations, without going to much in to detail.
I have been playing the Pirc for years. The key is, imho, learning the timing on the center break, and deciding wether to break at e5 or c5.
The Austrian Attack has by far the best results against me. Also, if white plays O-O-O, you are in for a sharp, fun game.
Folks I play the Pirc nearly always as black. Have a look at my games and you'll see the gamut of white tries. I have had some really exciting games against the Austrian Attack lately. I actually think the hardest set ups to play against is the simple set up of pawns e4 and d4, knight f3 and c3 and be2 and 0-0. I have tried Bg4 and c6, indeed I have several such going on right now. I'd highly recommend learniong the Pirc in conjunction with another fianchetto line as black. I play the KID, Pirc or King Fianchetto against virtually any white set up and it mostly works well for me.
I learned originally from a book 30 years ago called King Fianchetto defences by GM D. Marovic. It has Grunfeld, Benoni, Volga etc in also.
I don't know if playing it as an occasional opening is tenable though, it's easy to get squashed if you make a few inaccuracies early on.
Have you ever tried the Lion formation (black opens 1...d6 2...Nf6 3...Nbd7)
In a word no. I would always play g6 unless white did something very strange to make me do otherwise. I've never tried the Lion or a Philidor Hanham.
Hi everyone,
I am looking to adopt the Pirc Defense as an occasional weapon against 1.e4. I really like hypermodern ideas and wish to use them in games.
Can anyone give me some advice on the Pirc, and online sources to find more?
Thank you very much!