What if black just mirrors the moves?
I have never thought of that!
Well you bring a very interesting question here!
If all they do is copy your moves than I think you should feel happy.
It is obvious they have no idea what they are doing so they are trying to mirror you lol.
The funny thing is in this line they can not mirror you forever!
For example:
You see how it is impossible for them to mirror you HA HA!
Notice the moves I played as white!
They are very normal moves.
Some moves in chess are hard to remember.
However, in this situation all your moves are like normal
You put your dark square bishop on b2.
You put both knights on best square c3 and f3.
You put your light square bishop on c4 hitting the f7 pawn.
You castled!
The only move you have to remember is the move a3 at move 8!
Black has to play a5 to stop your b4 move!
So they have to break from copying you.
In some lines they can copy you forever it seems like.
However, not in this line you can punish them if they do!
You see how you get the last laugh!
Adding to post #64
Yeah the idea for white would be to pressure the e5 pawn/square.
If you chose the move 4.f4
You will want to have a plan of moves such as:
Nf3 attacking more pressure on e5 + Bb5 with idea of taking the knight on c6 to remove a defender from e5 square.
If you chose the move 4.Nf3
You will have to tackle the e5 beast another way.
Obviously by playing Nf3 your f4 is not contributing into the e5 battle so you will need the fire power of another pawn.
Which in this situation can come from your D pawn.
Getting the move d4 to help in the fight.
d4 + Bb5 with idea of taking the knight on c6 to remove a defender from e5 square.
Whites plan in this line is not that bad to be completely honest.
We can even be creative!
This line we are playing with white gives us a chance to even consider castling queenside!
If opposite side castling happens than we can become savages!
Throwing up our King side pawn's in an effort to check mate the black king!