
The Scandinavian trap | how this works?

Okay, we play e4, d5, Nf3, xd5, and white move the best move, Ne5, black move f6, and wanna take a Knight, but we move Qh5+, black move g6, and block the check, and white sacrifice the queen and move Bc5, black move xh5, but this is a blunder. White checkmate in Bf7#. Thanks! from Knight

I'm assuming you mean this line...

The idea ... is bad ... has many names example ICB, etc .they all revovle around the same idea. it doesn't work. And it amazes me every time I see it.

Stop playing for traps! All those trap stupid lines you keep seeing here... if your opponent doesn't fall for it, you end up in a terrible position


I mated 54 players with this trap

I think you both have a valid point. As long as it works its works. But if your rating rises you will encounter more and more players who know the trap. I never play 3. …f3.

The whole 2.Nf3 gambit is trash, and 3.Ne5 makes even less sense than 3.Ng5.

What is the point after something like 3...Nd7 or 3...Qd4?

Expecting Black to play 3...f6 is the definition of Hope Chess.