
The "Worst" Antilondon, The Fawkes Gambit


Hello everyone, I have played this "meme" opening for a while and I also analyzed it a bit
It's an "Anti-London" that features the move e4 in response to Bf4, i saw it's fairly played at least on the lichess database, but I couldn't find anyone that ever talked about it.

I thought to give it the name of Fawkes gambit, after Guy Fawkes more as a joke, as Fawkes failed to blow up the House of Lords on London like this gambit, as the opening destroy the London structure but doesn't really leave white on a bad position
Portrait of Guy Fawkes © St Peter's Foundation
The main idea came as I was playing meme openings, I was bored and thought "What if I play e4 instead of c4", yeah it's pretty horrible, but it's relatively playable in bullet and blitz in intermediate and low level.
This is the highest rated game I found on the Lichess database, two FMs playing it on a bullet game.
