
Threatened queen in the Reti


If black accepts the Reti gambit with 1.Nf3 d5 2. c4 dxc4 and white reclaims the pawn with 3.Qa4+, where should I be moving the queen to if black threatens it with his third move?

Do you think it's entirely honest to be asking questions in this forum about an active game?

Sorry Quixotical, my intention was never to cheat!  I usually have 30+ games on the go on this site and recently have been playing the Reti an awfully lot so the chances are that at least one game, usually more, will be in the opening stages of white playing the Reti.  If you'd troubled to check my game history you'll see that I've used it in the past alot too and I genuinely only wanted advice to use during future games.

However, I am delighted that you are diligent enough to check peoples' active games before replying to posts.  Your vigilance in preventing people from cheating on this site is laudable.

 Now that my games have progressed past the decisive point, would you care to offer any advice on the scenario in question?


Actually hold on a mo, I have another game at the crucial point.......

Gestalt you old cheat! You want to dethrone the big guns with your evil little plans?

hehe Wink

There's much more effective ways to cheat if you really need to, but then the community is gonna fry your intestines and feed it to the wild dogs. DON'T DO IT, MAN! 



Lies and slander!  You've played me enough times to know of my fondness for the Reti, King Willy!  I genuinely wanted some generic advice rather than specific pointers for a certain game!  Does anyone have anything constructive to say?


I usually have 30+ games on the go on this site and recently have been playing the Reti an awfully lot so the chances are that at least one game, usually more, will be in the opening stages of white playing the Reti. 


The position was on 3.Qa4 when you made your post.  Your opponent was online and active at this time. The game had evidently only just begun. I wasn't accusing you of cheating, I was just questioning the appropriateness of your post.


Now that my games have progressed past the decisive point, would you care to offer any advice on the scenario in question?


As with the QGA, black can't hold on to his extra pawn without getting himself into trouble. I think Qa4+ is ok but its a little bit tempo wasting. I prefer g3 or the interesting move 3.Na3 can be played.


This is my formal statement - I've played Gestalt many times and believe he is a honest law abiding citizen of the UK with no evil intentions at all.


In my opinion his biggest sin is being a supporter of the British Lions.

Thanks Quixotical. Having played it quite a bit I've come to the same conclusion.  3. Qa4+ isn't the best way to reclaim the pawn as black has a variety of ways of developing his pieces whilst harrying the queen.  I think I shall try your two suggestions (g3 and na3) and see whether either leads to grabbing the pawn back whilst maintaining tempo!

 Thanks for the moral support King_Willy, and you are so going down tomorrow evening.  Brian Habana sucks balls.

The only reason I brought it up at all is that I'd read in several different sources that as a general rule black should not accept the pawn gambit (2...dxc4) as 3.Qa4+ wins it back immediately but when I played this line several times I always ended up in trouble!!

I'm impressed that you've lost 24 games in a row. I've never seen a losing streak that bad before. But based on this information there's one thing I'm confident of... you aren't cheating.

The queen looks pretty safe on c4 for the time being. If you fiancetto g3 > Bg2 then your queen can always safely move along the c4>f1 diagonal without obstructing the bishop / allowing you to play Nc3 freely without blocking the queen from retreating. So Qd3 or Qe2 are both natural moves. Otherwise Qc2 is also natural, though a little more vulnerable to harassment without the c3 pawn there. I'd probably look to play g3 > e4 quickly and make room for the Qd3 behind the pawn on d4. But without c3 you may want to play a3 at some point, depending on how disruptive black harassing the queen could be