
Top 3 worst openings for white in rapid and classical


No.3 - Polish opening 

This opening begins with 1.b4 trying to develop your bishop on the a1 to h8 diagnol. But it   weakens your rook and isolating a pawn. Black can take advantage of the position and develop its pieces and create a strong position and win if it does not make any mistakes. 


lnstead you can do the same thing by playing the Larsen opening and your pawn would  not be isolated while achieving the same goal. 

2.Grob opening

The grob is similar to the polish opening trying to get its bishop on the a8 to h1 diagnol by playing 1. g4 but its worse weakens the kingside so it is much worse than it. lt also 

 weakens your rook and isolates a pawn. Black can take advantage of the position and develop its pieces and create a strong position and win if it does not make any mistakes. 


Just like the Polish game, you can play the kings fianchetto  and your pawn would  not be isolated while achieving the same goal. 

1. The birds opening

This can lead to chesses fastest checkmate and even though most people can stop it ,it still weakens whites position greatly. Moves 1.f3


Unfortunately, there is no solution if black makes no mistake but you can try to improve your position by stopping checkmate and castling queenside.

Are you are the idiot?
I am sorry

1 g3 > 1 b3 > 1 f4 > 1 b4 > 1 f3 > 1 g4
Source: Figure 31


bro put two real openings over some actual garbage moves like 1.f3 and 1.h4


In classical you generally want to avoid tactical openings and prefer positional ones. So I'd avoid these in classical...

1) e4 in response to the QGA - better to go for a positional game rather than a tactical one here
2) sveshnikov sicilian - again very tactical, there's usually some way for white to screw you in these positions if he has time to think about it he will probably find it
3) slav exchange - you probably won't be able to spice the game up as white, black will just sit there and refute whatever novel idea it is, so it's just going to be a long bore of a game that ends in a draw probably


Of course we could always just not adjust our repertoires at all based on the time control / fail to answer the question in any meaningful way, that works too


how is the b pawn isolated on 1.b4? on most games, it ends up on b5 where it can be defended ....5 TIMES. the main exception is the exchange main line where you trade a wing pawn for a central pawn, no isolated pawn there either.

nobody worth their salt is getting checkmated early on 1.f4. you obviously need to learn how to respond to from's gambit (learn the actual lines which are slightly better for white or transpose to king's gambit)


Most telling is the mere fact that the guy calls both 1. f3 and 1. f4 as " The birds opening". Ouch.

This shows how much care and research went into the opening post (none whatsoever).


1) f3 e5 2) Kf2 it's a bit like opening Bongcloud, it's a troll but that doesn't mean it's so easy to win if White is strong like Nakamura for example.

Otherwise the basic problem is that as White plays with a more tempo, White can give it back by playing "whatever" and White won't have a bad position ex. 1) e3 e5 2) e4 or 1) a3 e5 2) c4


Really bad openings


These are really bad, never use them.

I don’t know much about openings,but I know one of the worst openings(The bong cloud)

3. Saragossa's Attack 2. Bongcloud Opening 1. Barnes Opening