
Transposing the Polish opening into the Colle


What is the best way to transpose the Polish opening into something like the Colle-Zuckertort, the Colle System, or the London system?


Polish opening is 1. b4 and the main pawn setup of Colle, Colle-Zukertort and London are pawns on c3, d4 and e3. In this pawn structure, then b4 pawn move doesn't usually make sense because the c3 pawn then becomes really weak and white has many weaknesses on the light-squares.

If you want to transpose into one of those openings, then you'll probably be better not tranposing at all; just play them without the b4 pawn move.


This older video of mine may help you understand pawn weaknesses and what I mean by "weak light-squares" - this applies here, but is even worse near your castled king:


its a strange question, london develops bishop on f4, not on b2, and colle delays the development of said bishop

the only lines that make sense that have some resemblance are the newer polish lines in the exchange, involving c3

but this resembles tromposwky a little more. White swaps bishop for knight and puts all his pawns on dark squares. White can play it normally with stuff like bd3, but g3 is probably better.