
Unknown Opening.


Hello! Does anyone out there know anything on the opening in this game?




To keep this thread on topic:

1.DO NOT post analysis. It is NOT MY GAME!
2.Only comment on the OPENING! I only put the result to show who won.

3.NO SPAMMING!!!!!!!

Thank you.


As Gonnosuke said it looks like a bit of a mix of different openings. I couldn't really say wich since none of the openings really have their their theory intact after this mix.


Since we're not allowed to analyze I'll just say that it looks pretty unsound. 

Looked like a weird Stonewall with e4 thrown in early some too.
I would think his would be listed as an Unorthodox Opening.  I am going to go out on a limb and say it does not look very sound.  If you put the first one or two moves into google, it ecomes readily apparent that this is not a named opening.
I would call this the Moron's opening personally... I don't know why White would open with such a system. I would love for someone to open with that against me.
i think black is trying some weird sicillian.
It appears to be a mix of many different openings, and an unsound compilation at that.
There should not be personal insults posted such as "Moron's Opening," unless the intent is to post the "Moron's Answer." Such comments should be phrased in chess terms. Appropriate starting with move 7, would be to call this the Blunderovsky. It was earlier looking like a Stonewall for both sides. White was heading for a Stonewall, while Black was setting up a Dutch Stonewall. If you know your opponent always plays that way, responding in kind may cause discomfort. That is not an suggestion on how to play the opening, just some opponents.
I think maybe the "Reversed Stonewall Attack"?
GreenLaser wrote: There should not be personal insults posted such as "Moron's Opening," unless the intent is to post the "Moron's Answer." Such comments should be phrased in chess terms. Appropriate starting with move 7, would be to call this the Blunderovsky. It was earlier looking like a Stonewall for both sides. White was heading for a Stonewall, while Black was setting up a Dutch Stonewall. If you know your opponent always plays that way, responding in kind may cause discomfort. That is not an suggestion on how to play the opening, just some opponents.

 I agree. It certainly was looking like a stonewall but if this game is from two very weak players i dont think naming of openings is appropriate given that theres gonna be a few odd moves played (even blunders). Maybe a thread (or article) should be opened listing all named openings and then there would be no need for any more of these 'whats this opening called' threads. Im sure that such an article exits so maybe Erik could attach it to the opening principles article as a reference?![i mean under the tab 'learn'] I dont mean to have a go at curious beginners but there has been alot of these kind of threads latley.