
unknown variation


This was played against me just recently . Anyone know the name to this opening , if it has one .


benws wrote: I don't know, but he really messed up. best is 5. g3! and 6. Nf3, easily winning.

nope if g3 nxe4 winning the knight back or a rook



Why not Qe2?  Does that not neutralize any possibility of black queen attack?



It's called the "Busch-Gass Gambit". It looks pretty dubious to me.


I think I prefer 5.g3 Qxe4 6.Nf3 because it doesn't block the development of your kingside pieces, planning 7.Qe2, 7.Nc3, or 7.Bg2 to take advantage of Black's poor queen position. After a queen swap White's position is easy to play. 


erikido23- After 5. g3 Qxe4, 6. Nf3 blocks the queen's attack on the rook and saves both pieces! set it up on a chess board and play it out.

Hmm..  Quite interesting.  After the refutation of the gambit, black's position is underdeveloped, and the king and queen are quite exposed.  Thanks to benws for the diagram.
3. ... Bxf2+? is blunder, correct move was 3. ...Qe7