can some people please give me some responces to d4 d5 for white instead of c4 thank you much appreciated
can killabeez plz give me the move order for the torre or the colle plz
or any1 else who knows it thnx
Why try to refute your own opening?!
Edit: Okay, 2.Nf3 is a good alternative but unless you tell me what plan you have in mind, it's hard to suggest follow ups. Play might resume with you playing lines in the London system or the Bogo-Indian.
2.Nf3, 2.Bf4 and 2.Nc3 (to play 3.e4 or f3 and e4) are playable.
...but you will need to push some other pawn some day anyway...
can some people please give me some responces to d4 d5 for white instead of c4 thank you much appreciated