I created a line on this opening. Here is some information:
It is most often called the Fred Defense. It is considered one of the worst defenses to 1. e4. However, there are some alternative names:
Duras Gambit
Reversed From
Tiers Countergambit
2... Nf6 is the safest move, but the line:
3. d4 d5
4. Bd3 is still better for White.
2... Kf7?! is the "Southern Fred". White can play these moves:
3. Be2
3. g4
3. Nf3
3. Qh5+ (known as the Mao Tse Tung Attack.)
3. Bc4 is not as good because of 3... d5.
I have a forum on this opening, check it out!
During my chess club today, I mentioned the joke about the Boungcloud opening on chess.com, but one of the guys I played with said it was similar to a real opening, which he show me.
Anyone recognize this?
I tried it in a couple games, but I did well because of the difference in skill, the opening itself sucked.