The one you are the most comfortable with!
You may find helpful a blog by Paolodm called "Simple Dangerous Openings : the Bishop's Opening". It is the first installment of what he intends to be a series.
The one you are the most comfortable with!
You may find helpful a blog by Paolodm called "Simple Dangerous Openings : the Bishop's Opening". It is the first installment of what he intends to be a series.
Here's what I use. This fits me best and might not be right for you, but give it a look.
As white, I open with e4. I aim for the Evans Gambit in the Italian Game. Against semi-open games I'll play the exchange variation (if there is one) or another simple sideline (Alapin vs. Sicilian, Classical vs. Pirc/Modern). If I see something I don't like, the King's Indian Attack is easy for me to transpose into, and I'll do it if I need to.
As Black, I'll use the Center Counter against e4, Chigorin against d4, Symetrical against c4, and a simple central control strategy against anything else.
I'm wondering what the best openings are. Any suggestions????