
what is the best opening


I'm wondering what the best openings are. Any suggestions????




The one you are the most comfortable with!


You may find helpful  a blog by Paolodm called "Simple Dangerous Openings : the Bishop's Opening".  It is the first installment of what he intends to be a series.

e4 and d4 are generally considered to be the best "opening moves"- from there, usually, play proceeds  either ...e6, ...e5 or ...c5, called the french, king's pawn, and sicillian openings respectively. I would advise you focus especially on the sicillian; it seems to be quite popular; but those three openings are the most common, and the ones you'd probably do best by studying.

thanks for the info!

 I heard something called the "Kings Gambit" what is it?

The kings gambit goes 1.e4 e5 2.f4!?
It's a very precarious opening, from what I can tell. The question is, can white force black to overextend himself defending that square, or can Black use his pawn's advantages to push into White's territory; it's a fairly unusual game, but it can be a good one to learn from.
Probably white moving first.  In fact, I've never seen an opening where black went first so there must be something to it.
I love King's Gambit.  The Classical reply is no good anymore and Black now has to play the Abbazia or the Fischer.  The Fischer is fun.

Nothing wrong with  3....g5 in the kings gambit
Kings gambit is a fun play. A strong offense in trade for a weak defense in the beginning.
Reb wrote: Nothing wrong with  3....g5 in the kings gambit

Here is why I like playing against g5.


Here's what I use. This fits me best and might not be right for you, but give it a look.

 As white, I open with e4. I aim for the Evans Gambit in the Italian Game. Against semi-open games I'll play the exchange variation (if there is one) or another simple sideline (Alapin vs. Sicilian, Classical vs. Pirc/Modern). If I see something I don't like, the King's Indian Attack is  easy for me to transpose into, and I'll do it if I need to.

As Black, I'll use the Center Counter against e4, Chigorin against d4, Symetrical against c4, and a simple central control strategy against anything else.