
what is this called and or what opening is this similar to?

D4 D5, nc3 nf6, nf3 nc6, bf4 e6, nb5 a6, nxc7 forking knight and rook with queen still on starting square.
From white’s perspective btw, the essential moves is the B and nxc7 as long as you keep the diagonal clear. But if you do the development above and the try to stop it you usually are up a b with the center after the trades.
They* not the
And king and rook with the knight I swear I can type

I don't think it has a name but you could call it the mirrored four knights italian or the chigorin four knights italian. Other people might argue it's a rare line in the Jobava, though it'd be very rare and pretty bad for black to choose given his other options there, I think the move order from the chigorin is more relevant. Most people who aren't completely bad will play Na6 there though. But the way you've reached the position is actually part of a cool system called the chigorin 3 knights, here's a blog post on it - Chigorin Three Knights Overview -