
What is this opening?


What opening line is white using and how in the future do I look this up?  I've found online opening guides, but they all seem to be based on names and not tracing out a propiable line. .

I ask mainly because someone showed me this, but I feel that I'm messing up something very simple and turning a decent (if very niched) opening into a disaster.


Nf3 is just a standard responce to e5 it attacks the pawn obviously and yes 3rd move is right blacks 3rd move is called the 2 knights defence. i think its some kind of fried liver attack

1.e4 e5  2.Nf3 Nc6  3.Bc4 is the Italian game.


1.e4 e5  2.Nf3 Nc6  3.Bc4 Nf6 is the Two Knights defence.


The most popular and forcing reply is 4.Ng5, where black usually responds with 4...d5 to prevent an attack on f7. The only book move I have ever heard of then is 5.exd5. 5.Bxd5 is obviously a blunder and so, we are no longer in book of the Two Knights at this point. 6...g6 is obviously winning for black.


The Fegatello (or Fried Liver) Attack can arise if black plays the obvious 5...Nxd5 in response to 5.exd5. It follows: 6.Nxf7 Kxf7  7.Qf3+, forcing the black King into the middle of the board. However, 6.Qh5 is a reasonable alternative, which white might have been trying to play in this game.


As far as how to search for openings by moves, I know has an 'opening explorer.'


Your best bet for finding this kind of option will be with chess 'databases.' 


It is better 5. exd5. Then, black has several moves. 

The Fried Liver (or Fegatello) attack is:

5. exd5, Nxe5 6. Nxf7+, Kxf7 7. Qf3+ ...


Thank you all.

 But in the future, is there any system to looking up openings, or is it just based on sheer memorization?


As an inexperienced player that is trying to improve, were I not on this site, how could I have found this out w/o flipping page by page through a book on openings?  Everything seems to be organized based on an alpha numeric code (like the fried liver was c57 when I looked it up)




I added a link in my last post. The code you are referring to is an ECO code from the Encyclopedia of Chess Openings. It is just a way of organizing chess openings, and is helpful when looking up certain games in databases. The opening explorer that I provided a link to will pop up the ECO codes for the openings you are entering at the bottom of the page (in the brown area).