
whats so good with gambits


whats so good with gambits losing a piece for free

Most gambits dont gambit a piece but usually a pawn or 2 is more common. And such "gifts" are never for "free" they usually grant the gambiteer a lead in development, which in turn can become a dangerous attack. Gambits teach a player about initiative as the gambiteer almost always has the initiative in return for his "investment" .
Reb wrote: Most gambits dont gambit a piece but usually a pawn or 2 is more common. And such "gifts" are never for "free" they usually grant the gambiteer a lead in development, which in turn can become a dangerous attack. Gambits teach a player about initiative as the gambiteer almost always has the initiative in return for his "investment" .

 Couldnt have said it better myself.


To expand a little: A 'Silman way of thinking' thinking student should note the term 'Imbalance'. A gambit creates imbalances in the position. A material imbalance (static) is given up in return for some more dynamic (immediate) advantages; usually a lead in development or the initiative as Reb mentioned. Using the initiative the gambiteer usually gets an attack or can regain the material having disrupted his opponents development (or piece harmonization). If the gambiteer loses the initiative or finds himself in an upcoming endgame with less material his luck will have turned.


A more psychological orientated answer would be that it puts a player off his game but this only really applies to less experienced players. 

Betty Grable had the best Gam-bits in the world but I digress and heed the advice of the Portugese Irishman :)-

I think its important also to distinguish between a sacrifice and an opening gambit. One is a tactic while the other is a strategy.

Sacrifices are not always tactics!  Some can be positional.
Kings Gambit for instance opens up a line of attack.  Pawns are clumsy little creatures that get in the way in the beginning.  By sacrificing the early kingside pawn you open a line for your rook after castling.  The pawn also has no support and can be taken when the time is right for free.

You people are horrible!

Gambits are so great because they're a ton of fun!!!

C'mon.. isn't that was chess is all about? (well, at least until the 2700's!) 

I am no comic page Hagar, but a genius of chess who is mis-understood by the general peons here :)- Whatever is old is new, and new is old. Kaspy resurrected the Scotch Game and it is high time the KG got Phoenix'd from the ashes to the GM table!
monalisa wrote: I am no comic page Hagar, but a genius of chess who is mis-understood by the general peons here :)- Whatever is old is new, and new is old. Kaspy resurrected the Scotch Game and it is high time the KG got Phoenix'd from the ashes to the GM table!

 Yup i am in agreement but not the boring 3.Nf3. Get 3.Bc4 appearing some more and i would be a happy man!