
Which is the best defense against english opening?


I usually play queen's indian, or grunfeld


There are many options for black.I think in terms of 3 basic categories. 1) c4,e5 which is a reverse Sicilian. 2) c4,d5 d pawn defenses. And 3) c4,c5 the symmetrical English. Which can transpose into a Benoni if white chooses to play d4 as well.

chessterd5 wrote:

There are many options for black.I think in terms of 3 basic categories. 1) c4,e5 which is a reverse Sicilian. 2) c4,d5 d pawn defenses. And 3) c4,c5 the symmetrical English. Which can transpose into a Benoni if white chooses to play d4 as well.

1.c4 d5 is bad for Black.

A lot depends on what Black plays vs d4. Here are the legit responses to 1.c4:



1...Nf6 2.Nc3 and now:

2...g6 can be played by King's Indian players

2...d5 by Grunfeld players (2...g6 3.e4! And only then 4.d4), but you have to know anti-Grunfeld lines.

2...e6 by Nimzo players, but you need to know the Anti-Nimzo (3.Nf3) and Mikenas-Flohr (3.e4)

1...b6 - English Defense

1...f5 - Dutch player can play this

1...g6 - Modern Defense

1...c6 or 1...e6 followed by 2...d5 transposing to the Closed Reti or the Reti-Slav unless White transpose to a queen pawn opening.


Yes, you are correct. That was what I was trying to explain in simple terms. He is a 800 player and I didn't want to bombard him with reams of information.



"d5 defenses"? really? c4 d5 is plain bad


I like 1...c5 and I am OK with a draw.


I play f5,the Dutch defense classical. I have a good score against c4


The Anglo-Indian defense. It might transpose into KID which I love


I guess just e5 and c5 are the most principled. I would say e5 for a reverse-ish Sicilian is best


I like playing e5 and going for a grand prix


As a English player the symmetrical is VERY annoying to play against


I would say the reverse Sicilian


1.e6 against 1.c4

Csak1marad_6 wrote:

I usually play queen's indian, or grunfeld

Then probably 1...Nf6 followed by 2...g6 and you'll probably get a Grunfeld-like position if not a direct transposition.


e4 and then try to go c3 d4


I play Agincourt Defense to transition into a QGD.


Kings English is really great... there's surprisingly little breadth to the theory, not sure why because it's a reversed sicilian but white just always plays the same moves. Of course whatever you play depends alot on the rest of your repertoire but if you're a sicilian player definitely look into the kings english.