
Which openings give you the most trouble?


When i play white i have troubles against French and Petrov.

When playing white against Grand Prix Attack, and the Emglish too.


There is maybe one opening that gives me trouble:  1.e4 - d5

P.S I would like to suggest the kings Indian attack ( 1.e4 - e6 2. d3 - d5 3. Sd2 ...)to those who have problems against the French defense.

The idea of this opening is to fiancetto the f1 Bishop, castle long and slowly build up a king side attack while trying to hold up the queen side against blacks attack.

 Here is a nice example:


I used the KIA against the French for so long, but its so much worth a chessplayers time to just prepare some lines against the french 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5. The KIA is great to cut down learning but i wouldnt 'depend' on it.


Think of it like this, alot of players either play open or closed sicilian. Well, if you have time you could learn both and your a more flexible player in terms of openings and transpoitions. Likewise against the french you could learn the french itself and KIA and use it as a surprise from time to time. I am glad i know both and its not exactly like the KIA is hard to learn and use up to a decent standard.(im talking 1600ish maybe up to 1800). For anyone wanting a line against the KIA search Kasparov as black against this opening. (yes, there is a Kasparov game against the KIA Smile)


The french is really interesting and when you know it you can broaden your white repitoire by adopting the Blackmar-Diemar Gambit (1.e4 d5 2.d4) and if 2...e6 you enter a french which you are prepared for, if you dont know the french can you risk playing DBG, maybe but you will get caught out. 

I in particuar am a fan of the French.  But the Classical System is the only one I like.  The Winawer can go down the drain for all I care.  I have a little trouble playing against pet line Sicilians, but the games are normally fun and interesting.
Its not the opening that gives me so much trouble but the player! For example, when I play a sub 1800 player any opening we play I tend to do just fine, but when I play someone over 2500 I always have problems no matter which opening we play! Laughing
My line againstd4 is 1 d4 d6 2 c4 e5 a Old Indian def if3 dxe5 dxe5 4 Qxd8 Kxd8 and black is better for the end game,no Queens on the board no need to casel your King Thanks.
My line againstd4 is 1 d4 d6 2 c4 e5 a Old Indian def if3 dxe5 dxe5 4 Qxd8 Kxd8 and black is better for the end game,no Queens on the board no need to casel your King Thanks.

 You can try playing the semi-slav botvinnik variation of the Queen's Gambit declined.  Here your c8-Bishop comes to life along the a8-h1 diagonal in the middlegame, and you might even find it travelling from c8 to b7, then g2, f1 and even back to b7!  Now where else can you see an amusing escapade like that? ;)

Patzer24 wrote:

I hate playing black against 1. d4, always the c8 bishop ends up being bad. Either it is stuck behind away from the action, or when I try to develop the c8 bishop then I get killed on the b7 square.


I am still looking for a good system to play against 1. d4, any suggestions?



Because I’ve yet to nail them down, I’m easily intimidated by most openings, especially from the c or f-pawn, and from the ones that go out of the book.
The Caro-Kann. Reason being, the only times I faced them were against players who were really strong@!

The Sicilian defense- Yugoslav Attack , when i play with black pieces , any delay in the attack leads to a disaster in my castled position ! iam still working on improving that



I have troubles playing against the Scandinavian defence and the English opening.

I've never found a line that i'm completely comfortable with as white against the nimzo-indian. Anyone got suggestions with Qc2 or with any other line, e3, Nf3 etc?

amrou ... How true, but that is what is Supposed to happen if you blow a tempo as Black in the Yugo~! :) Wt can usually survive a tempo lost if it is not at a critical point, in my experience.

All in all the opening takes a lot of precision to play. I came out ahead with black in the 8th USCCC. Not a particularly good event for me. But it was two master games, one a win and a draw in the other. But i also took a loss as WT to an Expert.  During the course of those postal games however, theory flip-flopped several times as to which side was winning or drawing.

The Kasparov and Anand added more to it later. Then others. It can be very volatile in theory. But that does make it fun. 

Good luck and skill to you in playing it.  Only the daring do . . .
So it is good to meet another daring player  }8-))
1.a3 is a good opening if you know that your opponent is a beginner and will play e5 since you can do a reversed Sicilian Defence where that move can actually be useful.
addiction_to_chess wrote: 1.a3 is a good opening if you know that your opponent is a beginner and will play e5 since you can do a reversed Sicilian Defence where that move can actually be useful.

1.a3 is not a good opening.  1.a3 works sometimes, but not from any advantage gained by that move.

Or it may go 1.a3 g6!  :)

agree fisher comment

addition:has someone play grob's attack?i think the opening is most troble,the knight cant control the center and may it by the bigshop and cause double pawn