
White's openings


does someone knows an opening for white that will get usualy closed games?


You could play 2.c4 in response to the Sicilian to try to reach a Stonewall.
piozani is good kings indian attack reti catalan are all good positional openings i like the reti the most
TonightOnly wrote: You could play 2.c4 in response to the Sicilian to try to reach a Stonewall.

 Aginst the sicilian I plays alapin (2.c3)

Boring304 wrote:

does someone knows an opening for white that will get usualy closed games?


Starting with 1.Nf3 and aiming for a King's Indian Attack set-up (with d3-Nd2-g3-Bg2) will get you a closed game most of the times

I guess my question is one of why you would be desperate for a closed game?  I am a strict 1.e4 player so I spend most of my time in Ruy Lopez, Sicilian, and French lines but is there some profound aversion to these that leads people to go for closed games?
Fresh wrote: I guess my question is one of why you would be desperate for a closed game?  I am a strict 1.e4 player so I spend most of my time in Ruy Lopez, Sicilian, and French lines but is there some profound aversion to these that leads people to go for closed games?

Because they like safe, slow, gradual maneuvering and positionally motivated games as opposed to wild tactical (or in other words, fun games :D).

OK, now for the opposite question.  Can anyone suggest an opening repertoire for white and black that usually bring about open games, but don't require a great deal of Opening study?  Basically, I'm looking for something along the lines of what Yasser Sierwan lays out in Winning Chess Openings, but that leads to open positions.
rich wrote: Try useing e4 or c4.

no study required there.....:/