svna91 and Oracle man you are in the second tournament. As for coco_crazy your got to wait a while until the previous round finshes until your next match is availablle. Congratulations on the win!
RN9 wrote:svna91 and Oracle man you are in the second tournament. As for coco_crazy your got to wait a while until the previous round finshes until your next match is availablle. Congratulations on the win!I think you folks are at cross purposes. coco crazy is playing leo Rosene in the secnd round, he was confirming he won his first round against munchkin, however you had congratulated munchkin earlier which was a bit confusing.........
Skybax and Traxxas you both are in and now there are just three spots remaining for the second tournament. To clear up the confusion I will simply state the final eight again and expect that all of these match-ups commence as soon as possible.
Congratuations to MM78 for winning and qualifying for the Semi-Finals of the first tournament. As for the second tournament the format is the same as it was in the first tournament. I will pair off the 16 entrants and ask that they both challenge each other one game as white and one as black. The matches are played with a 3 day clock. After the matches are completed I ask that the match winner give me the results. Thank you.
RN9, am I entered in the second tourney? Current rating 1518