A chess test
Im only a beginner . But we all have to start somewhere, right? Please put more tests out so that someday I can ascend into the ranks of the intermediate player. Have you asked Chess.com about designing chess mentor courses?
By no means are the moves posted best. I'm afraid you should try something like Chess Mentor before posting your own tests, to see what the best moves really are.
By no means are the moves posted best. I'm afraid you should try something like Chess Mentor before posting your own tests, to see what the best moves really are.
Hey ! ease up on that guy ! you know what is like to be ridicules by us for your blockages.
If you do the entire puzzle, you are master. If you do half, you're intermediate. If you can't do it at all, you're beginner.
I like this reasoning, interesting concept. I got the
- first move on first try
- second move on third try
- third move on first try
- fourth move on second try
- fifth move impossible
what does this make me? t.i.a.
I couldn't do it at all, so I must be a beginner. I guess I need to study up in Chessmaster chess academy about how to make blunders.
The sentence should be reworded into: if you immediately clicked on 'Solution', you are smart, and if you actually bothered to try guess all the moves, then you are an idiot.
What about if you continuously clicked the "Help" button?