
Gentleman's Game


dude COME ON... the topic about resigning when ur losing wiht out a doubt has been posted over and over. this is getting so old.


this shows completely the opposite to this forum!


Quite the blunderfest. Sure if neither player has any idea what they are doing, why give up? You may win without even knowing it!


motoshiev wrote:

I got hooked to chess when I was about 8-years old, playing with friends, brothers and uncles. I learned the discipline of chess at a fairly young age. I learned that to be a chess player is to be a gentleman. One must learn the courtesy of resigning if he or she knows that the position is hopeless. I know some of the  players here who are into that unfortunate behavior, they can't accept to lose. Their tactics is to try to extol the game by pushing the vacation mode or they just  max their every move. Well I see them as unprofessional and imature players. They should just play chinese checkers instead. But these are only few. Well, let's continue enjoying the game and just try to avoid those people.

This post just lacks sense. Games between amateur and semiamateur players can often produce blunders and turn the odds on the game.So it s not wrong to keep playing even under disadvantage.


Oops! I'm 3-months old and didn't know that it has been posted in the past. Anyways, there's always a saying that truth hurts. It's very clear that I said "some" unprofessional characteristics of a player not to give up even if the situation is hopeless. ;-) 


Ok you've been part of this website for 3 monthes...

that was posted half a month ago... this topic has been talked about sooooooooooooooo much its annoying.


yeah but I'm bored reading blogs. It's my first to write one. If you are annoyed then don't respond. Anyways, thanks for sending me the link.


chessman_calum wrote:

this shows completely the opposite to this forum!

 I believe so. It normally happened to novice games. That's understandable!


I read the replies to the great, mannerly, and always courteous Motoshiev's thread and I almost had a stroke. I had to go find my roommate to get him to read it to me to ensure that I had not died and gone to a very, very bad place. A place where people criticize without actually understanding what they're criticizing. Unfortunately for me, I had gone to that bad place: the forums.

Clearly, there is a large amount of trouble with reading comprehension and the concept of leading by example with this thread.

"dude COME ON... the topic about resigning when ur losing wiht out a doubt has been posted over and over. this is getting so old."

Apparently not quite old enough to keep you from reading the post and submitting a reply to it. I mean if this happens as frequently as you say it does you must waste quite a significant portion of time typing meaningless responses to posts that don't interest you.

"Ok you've been part of this website for 3 monthes...

that was posted half a month ago... this topic has been talked about sooooooooooooooo much its annoying."

Dear, sweet, holy, jumping Jesus. Are you telling me that this... this CRIMINAL known as Motoshiev... posted a thread, without checking every other thread in the past 15 days to ensure it wasn't a duplicate? Moto... I'm sorry we can't be friends anymore. I do not tolerate posts that duplicate themselves more than once every 3 months. Sorry buddy, its a personal rule of mine. I feel so strongly about it that I go into every duplicate thread and post about how much I dislike it and then link to the original thread. How do I unfriend you? I can't even figure out how to make the "Quote" function work for more than 1 quote, so I have no clue how to operate that monstrous function.

"this shows completely the opposite to this forum!"

"Quite the blunderfest. Sure if neither player has any idea what they are doing, why give up? You may win without even knowing it!"

"This post just lacks sense. Games between amateur and semiamateur players can often produce blunders and turn the odds on the game.So it s not wrong to keep playing even under disadvantage."

There seems to be a severe problem with reading comprehension in this thread (forum). The next time you reply critically to a thread, please ensure that you did more than skim, glance, or simply start agreeing with previous posters.

Here is what he said:

"I know some of the  players here who are into that unfortunate behavior, they can't accept to lose. Their tactics is to try to extol the game by pushing the vacation mode or they just  max their every move."

Now, I shall use my amazing special ability called: comprehension. He is trying to point out that there are some players who, when they have, say - a King left, should resign because it is the mannerly thing to do. Now, some of you are probably saying (what am I talking about - you didn't even read this far, you're already insulting me in the comment box), "I wouldn't resign! If I'm so beaten he should be able to checkmate me!" This is correct. Again, your comprehension has failed you. He did not say it was incorrect. He was stating that it is unmannerly.

Much like criticizing something without actually reading it.


yeha, i agree with the last post. it was a simple commentary on a specific behavioral action. It was not a solidification of a stance or viewpoint. C'mon people, let's all be a little less strictly interperative.  it's all about the spectrum of understanding.


Well said GSUJhill & Catherine. At least I know that there are still some open minded, understanding & profound players in here. AMEN to that!


chessman_calum: Sometimes the initiative is a huge advantage.  Your game, starting at move 31 is a perfect example of this.  I don't think anyone would fault you for not resigning between moves 31 and 53 (inclusive) for this reason, so it's not really a great example of what motoshiev is complaining about.

54... Rxa2

"still losing on minor peices but i'm not giving up"

I'd say at this point, actually, that you've got a sizeable advantage.  Exchanging Queens was exactly what you should have done and it shouldn't be a surprise that you converted the win from here.  It's a nice save, but not a refusual to resign out of desperation.

motoshiev wrote:

Oops! I'm 3-months old and didn't know that it has been posted in the past. Anyways, there's always a saying that truth hurts. It's very clear that I said "some" unprofessional characteristics of a player not to give up even if the situation is hopeless. ;-) 

congrats! you have THE BEST typing skills of any 3 month old i have ever seen :-)

I do resign most of the time, but I have been playing chess for 1 year and I am now ~1700 on this site and ~1500 OTB. Sometimes I continue playing for the experience and tactics of endgames. Im sorry for being "unprofessional and imature" but I have played around 500 chess games in my whole life and I need experience more then anything. Even If Im losing and my moves are pointless I like learning from my opponent's tactics.

~ I understand what your trying to say but I just wanted to let you know there are different reasons for playing through a lost position. of course someone as highly rated as you wouldn't gain anything from it

gumpty wrote:
motoshiev wrote:

Oops! I'm 3-months old and didn't know that it has been posted in the past. Anyways, there's always a saying that truth hurts. It's very clear that I said "some" unprofessional characteristics of a player not to give up even if the situation is hopeless. ;-) 


congrats! you have THE BEST typing skills of any 3 month old i have ever seen :-)

That's because the keyboards are typically too big -- your average three month old is incredible on the Blackberry.


i believe that resigning is POINTLESS


if you resign, that means that all hope is lost


playing chess isn't about being a gentlemen...XD


it's not like, as a chessplayer, u r flirting with your opponent (boy or girl!)