In a Grandmaster game between GM Emma and former Soviet Champion and world title candidate GM Leonid Stein, Stein puts his queen en prise after 20 minutes thought and Emma misses it !
En prise basically means that a piece is not protected and can be captured. Anyways, no Qg2 would lead to Nxg2 and the loss of the queen. However, clearly I am suprised a GM would make such a mistake in either case...?
There are quite a few examples of this sort of thing - ''amaurosis scacchistica'' (a phrase coined by Tarrasch). Like Reshevsky putting his queen en prise to a bishop and announcing mate, when he actually had a real mate if he played the right move. I have some where GMs actually resigned when their next move would have won ! Want to see ? Say so and I'll post one later.
OK here's one. Try and find the right move sequence as a puzzle if you like before looking at the solution. This is a classic. Popiel-Marco, 1902. Marco to move resigned. I made a mistake in the notes ; THE FINAL POSITION IS A WIN FOR BLACK NOT WHITE. (But white actually won because black resigned)
In a Grandmaster game between GM Emma and former Soviet Champion and world title candidate GM Leonid Stein, Stein puts his queen en prise after 20 minutes thought and Emma misses it !