Chess can be a great distraction from life's little (or big problems) for an hour or two. I think like any subject (playing football or playing the piano, etc) investing time to become a better player is fine, as lomg as it doesn't consume your life.
I have other prioriites to, a relationships, my son, sport, etc - and no God is NOT important in my life, chess easily comes before God in my priorities (and most of my friends)!
But no, you can play chess. Do what you want with your life, after all. You don't have that much time, I hate it when people think they will one day become great at something, or one day achieve something great! Only by god's will will such things come to be!!!! People have no control over their lives, no one knows when they will die. It could be now it could be far down the road, but while your waiting, don't waste your time with these people playing chess, do something good! Help people prepare!
Fyah.. Im sure God hate you