
Lenny_bongcloud vs. Forest Gump

Lenny is not playing chess in the logical sense that we are, but he is trying to make the game a little more interesting by trying to get his King into his fellow opponents back rank which takes a little bit of smarts to attempt due to the fact it is almost impossible to acheive without being checkmated.
rich wrote: That's totally the wrong way to play the game.

You know that, I know that, and so does everybody else, but if you try Lennys way it makes for an interesting mind challenge to make it to the other side without getting caught. Sort of like chinese checkers


I played Bongcloud with stacy.  Here is the game. I think this may be the way forward for chess.  Frown

Lol. Hope this was not a rated game
Dog_Day_Afternoon wrote: And with the above comment said "Timmaylivinalie, you are history in the eyes of this site"

ur like 90 urs old, i wouldn't want u as a "friend", and i'm not here for "friends".  go brown nose bongcloud sum more.  

btw..if i ever do get kicked off this site just know i'll be back, unlike ur youth and any shot of you having of banging a hot chick again.  bff!!! 

Typical answer from Forrest Gump
AquaMan wrote:

I'm new at this, but it seems to me that Forest might be the perfect victim for bongcloud's opening.


"Here comes the king!  Run Forest, run!" 

hahaha good aul gumpy, what a guy!

Lenny for president! Those individuals sans substance should perhaps spend some time in the bong's cloudWink
groenpetrus wrote: Lenny for president! Those individuals sans substance should perhaps spend some time in the bong's cloud

Not a bad idea considering that half of the people running for President are already in bong's cloud. LOL