Rashid Nezmetdinov was a double Master: Checkers and Chess!
His Combinational Visional level was been so great, that even Tal envy for him!..
Back to Russia, I has his Chess book "Selected Games" on Russian Language...
Rashid Nezmetdinov was a double Master: Checkers and Chess!
His Combinational Visional level was been so great, that even Tal envy for him!..
Back to Russia, I has his Chess book "Selected Games" on Russian Language...
285 games by Rashid Nezmetdinov I found here... But I cannot copy it...
Nezhmetdinov was probably even more of a tricky tactical player than Tal - he just didn't have the positional play of a grandmaster. This is why he has such astonishing games, but never won the GM title. He has abysmal records against defensive and positional players (I believe he never won a game against Yuri Averbakh, for example).
Here's Nezh beating Tal at his own game:
The first place to start is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rashid_Nezhmetdinov
The second place is http://www.365chess.com/players/Rashid_Nezhmetdinov
Make sure to check out the '58 brilliancy against Polygaevsky, given in the wikipedia article.
awesome player , just awesome ;p
Um, why did you put a ';p' at the end of that? Kind of made it sound like you weren't serious..
I to have never heard his name mentioned. After going through some of his games though it surprises me. Amazing how he does sac his queen so much, even when it does not seem as if he is winning. Great.
Nezhemetdinov was a very intuitive and tactical player. In fact he was more so than Tal. He did not get much foreign exposure but his games are very fun and exciting to play through. If I remember correctly he had a plus score against Tal. His game (show in #6) against Polugaevsky is considered one of the best pure attacking games of all time. In his book of 100 Best Games of all Time Soltis has two games by Nezmetdinov
since ive been on this site ive seen this players name pop up many times, i'd never heard of him before...chessgames.com has very little information about him and either their server isnt working or my computer isnt but i cant explor his games right now...does anybody have any information about Nezhmetdinov, games that i should look at, or websites to visit? he seems like a very dynamic player like Tal and I LOVE that combinational sacrificial type player...