
Poor pathetic people


    I've been reading some posts here, for my first time... It AMAZES me how uncivilized and down right stupid people can be!! People take this stuff WAY too seriously, like it's personal or something. It's only as personal as we all let it be. The people cussing and posting all of that mean spirited rhetoric must have REALLY pathetic lives.....

   Anyway, I need help from the administrators of the web site. I just agreed to be a greeter, becuase I like this site a lot, and I like chess, and I like meeting people (excluding the people mentioned above). When I agreed to be greeter, I did not realize I would only have 3 days to move. I need a minimum of 5 days, and I prefer 7 days. I have a full time job and I own my own business. Could you change the code or programming so us greeters can choose how many days we need for our 'greeter games'? This would be helpful for me and probably others I assume. Life just gets busy sometimes....... Thank you for any help that takes place.


I think the problem is it needs to be often enough to keep the new player interested, and to give you an incentive to play quicker. It's a good idea, but I think 7 days would have to be the upper limit..


Hey not all of us here are uncivilized! The part (no matter how large) doesn't represent the whole! Smile

Anyways, I was a greeter once. I don't remember the time per move, but the game would almost always be abandoned after a few days. You're lucky if you can even get a few full games from someone who's new here.

I don't know if it's the retention rate of new users, or if they just don't know how to get back on the game after they've logged in and out (although it's quite simple).

For your time problem, I'm sure they can think of something. Good luck!