It will be an exciting match, simply because Anand has more experience and Topalov always goes for the win (never draws).
Taplov vs Anand
Holy f*cking crap guys. lay off the dang name. thats not the freaking point. im sorry I even posted this up. It seems it got all of your panties in a bunch. And is that suppose to be a joke SkpVwls? are you all still 5? This was suppsoe to be a learning experience for me since like I said TWICE (thats two (2) times) that I dont know much about the players.
Holy f*cking crap guys. lay off the dang name. thats not the freaking point. im sorry I even posted this up. It seems it got all of your panties in a bunch. And is that suppose to be a joke SkpVwls? are you all still 5? This was suppsoe to be a learning experience for me since like I said TWICE (thats two (2) times) that I dont know much about the players.
Well that is very apparent that you don't know much about these players. First of all let us consider you characterizing Anand as the newcomer and Topalov as the veteran. That is just silly. Anand is older and been in the chess scene longer.
As far as Topalov winning more tournaments, let us use Wikipedia who lists notable tournament victories for Anand and Topalov.
For Topalov we have:
And for Anand we have:
To say that Anand is undeserving is definitely not accurate. To say that Topalov deserves the title more, maybe seeing as he is the top rated player. He at least deserves the title shot.
Well in that case I think he deserves it even more. Because if he was able to reach the second highest rating in history in a shorter time span and has been ranked #1 for so many years then he deserve the title. And yes I think Anand deserves the title shot, but then again really what chess player doesn't? They all try the very best, but unlike most chess players Topalov always goes for the win. I just recently found out that he really never goes for the draw. And look at his record. I think that says alot.
Well Topalov isn't a young gun like Carlsen, who hopefully will be the title challenger in 2011. I do agree that it is admirable that Topalov continuously fights on and doesn't settle for the cheap "super GM draws."
All in all, I really don't a favorite, I'm just looking forward to some exciting games of chess.
lol yeah thats true. I beat we will see alot from him in the future. Does anyone how old the youngest world champion is? Thats one of the things I like about him. Yeah I just consinder him my favorite. Yeah I know what you mean. but as for me I suck so I dont always understand the moves these GMs do but yes they can get very exciting. I think I like looking at NM and IM games better.
yes Garry Kasparov who was 22yrs old when he won the title of world champion is the youngest i know of.
Isn't Topalov the captain who's trying to blow the Red October out of the water? Oh, wait a minute...that's Tupolev. My bad.
All I know is that they are both really good players, that they have been (Lotsalov), or are (Anandaconda), World Champion, and that they will play early next year for the World Championship.
I could be mistaken, but FTW is actually WTF, intentionally put backwards to imply a spelling error and/or transposition in meaning. It's a shot at the original poster, as his RENNS (References, Examples, Names, Numbers, & Statistics) were pretty bad; not to mention his spelling. But then again, he is from Askalabama.
BTW, my mispelling of both names was intentional, meant to be funny, and intended no disrespect to either Champion. I would love to play against either Topalov or Anand anytime. As long as we are sippin' a cold one, sittin' by the pool, with no electronic devices anywhere in the vicinity.
I could be mistaken, but FTW is actually WTF, intentionally put backwards to imply a spelling error and/or transposition in meaning. It's a shot at the original poster, as his RENNS (References, Examples, Names, Numbers, & Statistics) were pretty bad; not to mention his spelling. But then again, he is from Askalabama.
As a correction, "FTW" usually stands for "for the win."
Holy f*cking crap guys. lay off the dang name. thats not the freaking point. im sorry I even posted this up. It seems it got all of your panties in a bunch. And is that suppose to be a joke SkpVwls? are you all still 5? This was suppsoe to be a learning experience for me since like I said TWICE (thats two (2) times) that I dont know much about the players.
OK, I didn't think I would need to point this out, but... my previous post was, in fact, a joke. But if that question was only intended to suggest that you didn't like the joke... meh. Not surprised. I was hoping you'd be cool with it though.
Seems like only a few months since the last W.C. Are they having it too often? I'm sure the match will be much more exciting than the last one and I don't mind who wins. I think some stunts should be pulled to make it newsworthy and get it on mainstream telly. Any suggestions?
Blitz or maybe Allegra/15mins-30mins games would be the only things people might bother to watch i reckon. I mean u sit there for 5hours nearly and u could be waiting as much as 40Min's just for a move to be made seems boring in this microwave generation that's use to things happening at a faster rate. Just look at 20/20 Cricket become very popular maybe more so the test cricket these days...
To say that Topalov deserves the title and anand just deserves a shot is rediculous. Anand is clearly the the player with the most develpoed career. He has been working his entire life at chess and has obviously done something correct, because he is the current champion. He won the title fairly, not be it being given to him by default, but he has earned it. And to lump Anand with any other chess player is wrong in its own right. I know for sure that he deserves the title more than any one on this site, or any other for that matter.
Yeah but if they made a television program on it they would cut it shorter like what they do with cooking shows. Well yeah I should correct myself and say yes I think he and every master level chess players deserve the title, but only a few are stong enough to get there. And yes He has undoubtfully fought his way up the ranks to get where he is but Topalov and proved it more. He has had a way higher rating and been number one for years. I think is bs that he hasnt gotten a title shot until now. And why do you people like him so much!?
I love how all these so-called fans of Topalov still can't figure out how to spell his name =/