Do you go to innordinate lengths to preserve your knights?
What is a Piece Fetish?
Bashing your bishop at knight, whether you are a queen or just watching some pawn, could certainly get people rooking at you in a funny way. PAWN KING
I think this was related more to the way I like to move the pieces, and the sound of the pieces clicking the board.
At least until they make pieces out of leather.
equipment fetish.
I've got a few very attractive sets and boards and sometimes find myself admiring the way they look and feel instead of analyzing.
That fetish is likely the first hook the game got into me. The pieces just looked (and still look) so darn interesting.
I like the feel, the weight, the color, and shape of chess pieces, especially playing on an attractive board. It's like I can best enter and play the game beyond the mental aspects of it. I try to be aware of the feel of the reins of the knights, the jewels of the crowns of the King and Queen, feel the solid rock of the Rooks, the heavy authority of the Bishop's crook, and the vulnerability of the pawns, feet on the ground, heavy weapons, clanging in hand. For me, chess is phycical and not just a mental and intellectual activity.
I was accused of having a chess piece fetish. Thought I was getting hit on, but it turns out this person was serious.
In you own words what is a chess piece fetish?