
Crazyhouse Strategy & Advice


I almost never played Crazyhouse (And I still never played a game of Bughouse), but I started playing it more recently. As someone new to this variant, does anyone have any strategies or advice? I ask especially since doesn't support "analysis" for Crazyhouse. It still seems like a fun variant to mess around with though.

p.s. I am roughly 1800 USCF, but completely new to Crazyhouse - so right now I am only around 1400 for this new variant. My recent games were more experimenting than anything else. Any strategies, advice, or even well known motifs suggested would be greatly appreciated happy.png


Well a tip I learned the hard way, watch out for sacs on f7


yes and if u get pawns just surround ur kingside

rohaanledzeppelin wrote:

off the top of my head, just go for maximum exchanges so you have many peices in reserve


Actually, I've been careful with exchanges. "Even" trades also give your opponent the same material in reserve too.


Trading happens in two steps, 1) take a piece, 2) get your piece taken. If you are the one taking the first piece, it's ok, but don't be the one offering the trade or taking the second piece.

Some tips:

1. If the enemy is casted, then try to trade for knights.

2. If the enemy isn't castled, try to trade for pawns and bishops.

3. Look for places to fork the king, as pins aren't as powerful in this variant.

4. Try to save pieces till you know you can force checkmate.

5. Do not trade queens ever (your opponent most likely can checkmate you right after).

6. Do not trade rooks in the endgame. 

7. Don't be afraid to sac a piece and check your opponent so you open up a file to check them again. Checking is your best move when your opponent is up on pieces.


Also I really want to get the two bughouse achievements, so if there are 3 other people on right now.. that would be great lol


Was playing crazyhouse for little time a year ago or so. If I remember well, pawns seemed really more strong than in chess. Generally speaking a gap on the 7th rank, and place there a taken pawn that is supported, seemed a strong common pattern


Thanks for the tips @Jomity

Also isn't Bughouse like Crzyhouse but with teams? (I never played Bughouse) If you want the achievement, I could play Bughouse with you.


yeah we could team up, but we would still need two other players

introuble2 wrote:

Was playing crazyhouse for little time a year ago or so. If I remember well, pawns seemed really more strong than in chess. Generally speaking a gap on the 7th rank, and place there a taken pawn that is supported, seemed a strong common pattern

Yes, I've noticed Pawns being really powerful too. Dropping them on the 7th just feels too overpowered, but rules are rules

KeSetoKaiba wrote:

I almost never played Crazyhouse (And I still never played a game of Bughouse), but I started playing it more recently. As someone new to this variant, does anyone have any strategies or advice? I ask especially since doesn't support "analysis" for Crazyhouse. It still seems like a fun variant to mess around with though.

p.s. I am roughly 1800 USCF, but completely new to Crazyhouse - so right now I am only around 1400 for this new variant. My recent games were more experimenting than anything else. Any strategies, advice, or even well known motifs suggested would be greatly appreciated

I'd love to play if you want to try anything out : ) I'm 1200 at it on another site, but I don't know many patterns, except things like try not to leave spaces around your king


oh i love bughouse also but am not good enough at chess to be any good yet, but it's so much fun in real life!


probably i started playing chess too late to get quick which could be frustrating for people, am still super fast at quiz shows so i guess you can't have everything in this world.

i did get a checkmate in a five minute game once in real life, but it seemed a bit lucky.


watch out for sacrifices not all of them are nice wink


If you can make a blank spot at the end you can keep placing pawns and get a ton of Queens.

Jomity wrote:

Trading happens in two steps, 1) take a piece, 2) get your piece taken. If you are the one taking the first piece, it's ok, but don't be the one offering the trade or taking the second piece.

Some tips:

1. If the enemy is casted, then try to trade for knights.

2. If the enemy isn't castled, try to trade for pawns and bishops.

3. Look for places to fork the king, as pins aren't as powerful in this variant.

4. Try to save pieces till you know you can force checkmate.

5. Do not trade queens ever (your opponent most likely can checkmate you right after).

6. Do not trade rooks in the endgame.

7. Don't be afraid to sac a piece and check your opponent so you open up a file to check them again. Checking is your best move when your opponent is up on pieces.

1 and 2: It really depends on the position.
3: Pins are very powerful in Crazyhouse.
4: If you wait and don't place your pieces on the board, you're essentially not developing, and a good player will curbstomp you.
5: Um…ridiculous. There are plenty of good reasons to trade queens. For one, if you can trade Qs with check, and force the opponent's king to move, that can be the beginning of an unstoppable mating attack.
6: What? Since pieces don't ever truly go away, there are no endgames in Crazyhouse.
7: That's sort of correct, though attacking is not usually based on "files". Sacking can be good if it weakens the opponent's king position, and if you have follow-up moves to attack. (That's why Crazyhouse and Bughouse are so much fun!)

So, you got maybe 1/7, or 14.2857%. Not bad, for someone who's apparently never played Crazyhouse on



ive played tons of bughouse otb and the team strategys are usually this

  • 1 person trys to trade all the pieces on one board
  • the other will sack on f7, expose the king, and summon all the pieces to attack and win

try to foritfy your king with pawns as much as possible, and be careful of knight forks because its hard to see forks and ideas when they can just summon a piece


Nice insights for Bughouse @AngryPuffer Thanks for sharing happy.png

For those unaware, Crazyhouse is the same as Bughouse, except without teams (it is one on one like regular chess). This means that there is no "team strategy" in Crazyhouse as there is literally no "team."


What opening is best?


are you retardedd?