Eagle: Jumps only 3 spaces horizontally and vertically. It's worth 3 points.
Create Your own Fairy Chess Piece
Missile(M):The missile needs to be activated:To activate,move it 1 square diagonally or straight.The missile will move every time the side that activated the missile moves.The missile will move 1 square at a time in the direction you activated it.The missile can't be captured while activated.But a missile that isn't activated can be captured like regular.The missile may be re-routed:the missile can be activated again changing the direction the missile will keep moving.
Once the active missile collides with any piece (including friendly ones) the missile will explode,taking out all pieces 1 square diagonally or orthodogonally next to it including itself.If there's a piece next to a non-active missile,the missile may instanly explode at the location of that piece.If an active missile collides with the edge,the missile will explode at the square it was on when it touched the edge.If a non-active missile is next to the edge,it can explode at the square it currently is on.
The pawn represents the missile.
The pieces colored in red are the pieces that can be exploded by the missile if the missile makes it there.
The different coloured squares are the squares the missile can be activated to and the same colored arrows show it's trajectory if it goes there.
The arrows colored in red is a random re-route that may happen.
Equipping the missile: Pieces may be armed with the missile:Either the missile moves on to a adjacent friendly piece or the friendly piece moves (using its regular movement) on to the missile.The armed piece moves like the piece but can shoot the missile.Shooting is basically activation:The missile counts as if it moved from the armed piece.
Eagle: Jumps only 3 spaces horizontally and vertically. It's worth 3 points.
how is that worth 3 points 💀
Walk-Jumper can walk or move like a king 👑 and if there is a enemy piece right next to it on any of the eight squares it can move to if the piece wasn't there it will jump over the piece and capture it.
If there is a another piece next to the piece near the Walk-Jumper then it can't capture the adjacent piece. It can jump over friendly pieces.
Not sure if something like this has been suggested yet but,
Barracks: Moves/captures one square adjacently. Has the special ability to create a Pawn in a square adjacent to it (counts as a move).
Can move forward up to 2 squares at any time, not just on the first move? Can en-passant at any time, against any piece? Can promote to... A KING!???
Walk-Jumper can walk or move like a king 👑 and if there is a enemy piece right next to it on any of the eight squares it can move to if the piece wasn't there it will jump over the piece and capture it.
monkey/oats jenkins chess 2
Not sure if something like this has been suggested yet but,
Barracks: Moves/captures one square adjacently. Has the special ability to create a Pawn in a square adjacent to it (counts as a move).
Thinking about Travian?
Not sure if something like this has been suggested yet but,
Barracks: Moves/captures one square adjacently. Has the special ability to create a Pawn in a square adjacent to it (counts as a move).
Thinking about Travian?
Not sure, can't seem to find any info on "Travian"
Can you think of a more annoying piece?