
Dice Chess Online


Participation: To play this variant against someone else, just say "sign up." The first two people to sign-up get to play a game of dice chess online.

Rules: Dice chess is a game where each player rolls a pair of ordinary six-sided dice to determine which piece they get to move. Since this game is played online, I will be rolling the dice. Here is a handy chart that should be used to identify which piece you get to move:

1 Pawn
2 Knight
3 Bishop
4 Rook
5 Queen
6 King
Doubles any legal move


Since I am rolling a pair, you will get to decide which piece to move. For example, if I roll a three and a four, you can either move a bishop or a rook. 

Special Rules: To castle, I must roll a four, six, or double. An en passant move is only possible once someone rolls a 1 or double. A player in check must respond to the check using a piece rolled. If the player does not roll a legal response to the check, he/she is at risk of losing. A player who is not in check but has no legal moves with either of the pieces can play whatever legal move he/she wants.

Rule Changes: Capturing the king is possible when your opponent can't respond to check. Castling out of check is also possible, but the same rules apply when your opponent checks you again.

Please read the rules carefully, especially the special rules. If you have any questions, I will respond to them quickly.


royalknight101 wrote:

ooh cool


Do you want to play?


sign up not sure about the rules though


Since it's not guaranteed that someone can attack the king, I don't think it's right to force a player to respond to "check". Rather, in this case, let victory be decided by capturing the king.

Likewise, let players castle out of "check", but if the opponent's next roll is for one of the checking pieces, then that's game over.


sign up

dax00 wrote:

Since it's not guaranteed that someone can attack the king, I don't think it's right to force a player to respond to "check". Rather, in this case, let victory be decided by capturing the king.

Likewise, let players castle out of "check", but if the opponent's next roll is for one of the checking pieces, then that's game over.

Yes, I think that is right.


@chamo2074 and the @DukeofHelsinki have both signed up. 

If your opponent cannot respond to check, you can capture your opponent's king. I will allow castling out of check.


@DukeofHelsinki will be white and @chamo2074 will be black. You both got three days to move, or I will call out a timeout warning. Players who don't respond within 24 hours after the timeout warning lose by timeout. Both players will play on this board:

To start us off, I rolled a two and a six. Use the chart to determine which piece you have to move.




so players ARE able to keep their king in check.

DukeOfHelsinki wrote:

so players ARE able to keep their king in check.


That's the point. Whoever is the first to capture their opponent's king wins.


It is @chamo2074's turn as black. I have rolled a double, which means he can make any legal move. White's last move was 1. Nf3. Here is the diagram:


1...Nf6, still not sure about the rules though can I see an example?

chamo2074 wrote:

1...Nf6, still not sure about the rules though can I see an example?


You can play moves based on the numbers I rolled on the dice. For example, a 4 and 5 mean that you can move the rook or the queen. If we are still at the starting position, the rook and queen are impossible to move, so you can play anything you want.


(1, 5)= (Pawn, Queen). White's turn.


ohhhhh k

The rook is possible to move: Rg1
PunchboxNET wrote:
The rook is possible to move: Rg1


I was talking about the starting position where no moves have been played.


which piece does he have to move

chamo2074 wrote:

which piece does he have to move


Pawn or Queen