of course he can capture my knight
bxc6 obviously
the gambit worked!
btw the other time @WolfKid18 did Bxf7 and won
(3, 6)= (Bishop, King). Black to move
well he saced his bishop did Bxf7+, and then I didn't roll the right the number so my king was not able to capture it, and then he captured my king and won
btw i am also trying to not not not tilt but I failed, from 1800 to 1600
(4, 6)= (Rook, King). White to move
not not not not not tilt is VERY HARD
I once tilted from 1400-1200 in one day
Bxe3 let's try my luck
Wow you are testing mine
I mean id you don't get rook or pawn I equalize material
I can even do Bxf2 next
(1, 2)= (Pawn, Knight). White to move
I hate you
hmmmm...I was preparing to do pxp,
but dxe3 is my move.
(4, 5)= (Rook, Queen). Black to move
of course he can capture my knight