
Fairy Chess Piece Values


How much a Queen + Knight + Camel compound would worth?

Lucas1009991 wrote:

How much a Queen + Knight + Camel compound would worth?

Amazon has no meaningful advantage over separated Q+N. I would guess other saturation pieces have a similar issue I call it 14.5-15. Stronger than an Amazon but probably not wildly stronger.

pds314 wrote:
Lucas1009991 wrote:

How much a Queen + Knight + Camel compound would worth?

Amazon has no meaningful advantage over separated Q+N. I would guess other saturation pieces have a similar issue I call it 14.5-15. Stronger than an Amazon but probably not wildly stronger.



Regarding Xiangqi, which's values you seem to've copied from Xiangqi, the points operate on a different scale, the chariot which is the same as a rook has a value of 9, so that gives you a value of 2.5, in a chess scale. Basically we have a scale of chess points being equal to 1 4/5 xiangqi points, so if we do the math, the catapult has a value of like 2.5.