
Infinite recursion chess


Infinite recursion chess, or recursion chess, is a game where the chess board loops on itself forever. You might say that this is like infinite chess, but the fact is that you come back to the same board again and again. One problem you face is that the kings touch at the start of the game. To get around this problem, the board becomes 10x10 with the outer edge of the board becoming recursion squares. On these recursion squares, you can travel across to the other side's recursion squares. If you didn't start on a recursion square, you can still travel across this recursion edge and land on a square that you otherwise wouldn't be able to. Remember how bishops are hard to see in regular chess? Imagine trying to find a bishop that protects a piece through recursion. Pawns now promote on the 9th and 0th ranks (recursion ranks). There are also 𝜜 and 𝜴 recursion files. [Also, you cannot move onto a recursion square on your first turn only.] Playing this variant yesterday, I had trouble getting checkmate and seeing captures and threats through recursion. It is fun and I would like to see someone make a working version on the computer, either on, or on another website. I will post diagrams to help demonstrate this concept.


i do not know enouch about science to understand


Diagonals in recursion chess.


How recursions work.


This does not work. The queen mates in one on c9, as it is guarded by the knight.


An additional harder to see mate in one involves the dark square bishop.

This should make it obvious

*sorry about the last post, I meant light squared bishop


I thought I was onto something.

Waterstone33 wrote:

I thought I was onto something.

I know the feeling. I get it every time the weed buzz wears off.


i still dont understand with the weird images

davidjddo wrote:
Waterstone33 wrote:

I thought I was onto something.

I know the feeling. I get it every time the weed buzz wears off.

But I don't smoke...


I was thinking on this again and realized all problems would be solved if the recursion squares were removed and there was no warping on columns, only rows. This should actually be quite balanced.


See Cylinder Chess.

Torus Chess can also be made feasible by adapting the start position.


i was expecting a chessboard within a chessboard to infinity where pieces can enter and exit the smaller boards into the larger boards (for recursive stuff like this you only need three boards to visualise so it isnt too mindbending)

....does that exist?

rgouh wrote:

I was thinking on this again and realized all problems would be solved if the recursion squares were removed and there was no warping on columns, only rows. This should actually be quite balanced.

That's no fun. The solution is that pieces cannot land on recursional squares for the first turn only. This excludes passing though recursion.


is there somewhere this can be played

Waterstone33 wrote:
rgouh wrote:

I was thinking on this again and realized all problems would be solved if the recursion squares were removed and there was no warping on columns, only rows. This should actually be quite balanced.

That's no fun. The solution is that pieces cannot land on recursional squares for the first turn only. This excludes passing though recursion.

The big problem I see is white has a big advantage advantage, black either gets checkmated on move 2 or loses their queen on move 3 or 4.

1. e4 e5

1. ... c5

2. Bb0+ Kc7

3. Qxd8 ...

or 1. ... d5

2. Bb0+ Kd7

3. Bg0 Be10 (or capture a rook)

4. Bxd8 Bxd8

2. Bb5#

Not very balanced


Bruh it didn't show my indenting

Messed some things up in the text explanation, mixed up which square the king was on.

my explanation was so broken