Sounds reasonable.
Introducing Chess960Advanced (or Chess960+)
Maybe call it chess960 X.. The jury is still deliberating on that
I started thinking about this variant about 3 weeks ago. Asymmetric chess! It sounded intriguing, sensible, and challenging. After fleshing out the details, and 6 rough drafts later..Voila!!!
Hello everyone,
For a while, I’ve been developing what I believe to be a challenging asymmetrical twist on Chess960. Standard chess rules apply; except for the following changes.
Starting Position- Each player’s back ranks are independently randomized. as seen below
These three rules govern the setup.
1. The Kings are the only pieces that have a set starting position on e1 and e8.
2. Each player must have a light and dark squared bishop. Placement doesn't matter.
3. Pawn positions are consistent with standard chess rules.
No Castling:
Simplified Rules: Traditional castling is removed from the game. This simplification makes the variant more accessible while adding new strategic challenges.
Special King Move- One-Time Use
The King can move two squares in any direction in a straight line once per game. This special move can be used strategically at any point during the game. This can used for defensive positioning or offensive tactics, adding a new layer of depth to the game.
1. Capturing
If a Knight is on d4, it can be captured.from b2, b4, b6, d2, d6, f2, f4, and f6.
Similarly, if a Bishop is on d4, it can be captured.from b4, d2, d6, and f4
Finally, If a Rook is on d4, it can be captured.from b2, b6, f2, and f6.
2. Check and Checkmate- The king cannot use this to escape!
All the captures in these example is notated as: 1. K+xd4
If d4 was empty, the notation would be: 1. K+d4
3. Passing through check is not allowed.
If a Rook is on the c-file and the king is on the d-file, the king can not Special Move to the b-file.
Likewise, if a Pawn is on d4, it can be captured.from b4, b6, d2, d6, f4, and f6 BUT not b2, or
I encourage you all to try this out. All feedback will happily be received and greatly appreciated.
Feel free to post your comments, questions, and your experiences. Also, drop a message if you want.
Thank You