
Kill my own pieces with my king. Sacrifice for the greater good


So i wonder if there is a variant of chess where i can kill a piece of mine. lets say in a classic game i would be checkmate and the only free field i could move to evade checkmate is occupied by my own pawn. in the variant i kill my pawn(or any other piece of mine) with my king and evade the checkmate. its a acceptable sacrifiece to not lose the game and maybe even win it.


Sounds like "Capture Anything" variant is closest to what you describe. 


thank you Seto

This leads me to thinking that there could be a fun way to play chess by different rule set which counts the points per side as opposed to binary win and loss. If you lose pieces you lose points, so you have to be much more careful when exchanging or sacrificing pieces. The players who win with fewer losses get more points.
Drawgood wrote:
This leads me to thinking that there could be a fun way to play chess by different rule set which counts the points per side as opposed to binary win and loss. If you lose pieces you lose points, so you have to be much more careful when exchanging or sacrificing pieces. The players who win with fewer losses get more points.

4-Player Chess has this, but if you don't want to deal with an extra 2 opponents (I don't blame you!), you can play it by going to and hitting "Edit Rules"


To add to StopTakingMyRooks' comment, you can also adjust the points the opposing player receives for delivering checkmate.


Self-captures were one of the anti-draw measures tested against AlphaZero. It frequently ended up capturing its own pawns. In a few cases with winning advantages against its opponent it ended up capturing its own rooks and queens. But these were rare and generally didn't do anything beneficial for either side.


No more smother mait