
Post your chess variant ideas here!


Anyone ever hear of Janus Chess?


Has Archbishops which can move like a Bishop or a Knight.

long_quach wrote:
Gorgon_Slayer wrote:

Anyone ever hear of Janus Chess?

More pieces that are a combination of existing pieces?

That's ALL of them.

And they are all lame.

An exciting Queen sacrifice was shown that lead to a clever checkmate.

People who have a talent for deep tactics and subtle strategy like a more challenging game. People that are terrible at chess tend to make comments similar to yours.


Another checkmate that required excellent planning and an unexpected winning combination.

long_quach wrote:


Western chess is super-powered Chaturanga.

Chinese chess is de-powered Chaturanga.

Wrap your mind around that.

Elephants and Knights can be blocked.

The King and Viziers are confined to a 3 x 3 grid. Like a goalie and his two hands in soccer.

The Elephants cannot cross the river, like Defenders in Lacrosse.

The Bishop still moves 2 squares diagonally, like in Chaturanga.

The Queen still moves 1 square diagonally, like in Chaturanga.

Pawns do not promote, like in Chaturanga.

No castling, like in Chaturanga.

No 2 steps pawn, like in Chaturanga.

De-powered Chaturanga that is more popular than super-powered Western chess.

That is beyond your comprehension.

pawns In chaturanga promote to ferz


Chinese Chess is a terrible game.

Janus Chess is popular in Germany.

Gothic Chess, now called Trice’s Chess, is the only variant I know of played by 3 different World Chess Champions. Strong Shogi player Larry Kaufman played it too.


Not sure if this idea has been posted already...

Here is the premise of my variant idea:

Rewind Chess

You play a normal game of chess with classical rules BUT with a catch...

After a move you make, there is a 3 second window to hit a "rewind" button. If you hit this button in time, your move you just made will be undone and new 3 second timer will start to make a new move. You would not be able to make the same move you just rewound. And if you don't make a move in the additional 3 seconds, the board reverts back to the original move you made before hitting the rewind button.

You know those moments you realize you blunder the minute you let go of the mouse button? You can rewind those and fix it(if you are quick enough under pressure with the 3 seconds of course).

If your opponent moves before you hit rewind, you immediately have lost your chance.

Only 3 rewind attempts allowed per game(for each side)

Might also be a good variant for improvement.

Forgive me if this has already been suggested. Hell, might even be a thing already for all I know lol


5D chess with time travel and between universes with capturing en passant for pieces. and in case the piece is a time traveler - created universe can be blocked or not (optionally). also own captured piece by piece what was captured en passant can be or not (optionally) recovered. fairy pieces and different border sizes are already implemented too. welcome and invite ur friends!

gl and be happy! happy.png

Atomic Crazyhouse: Guarantees the game ends in less than 10 moves
Doublinge Cube, using backgammon tournament conventions. (Jacoby Rule, etc.)
Pawns move one square forward and capture 1 square forward and don’t promote,Knight move like pawn but promote to actual actual knight,same with bishop but promote to bishop,goes with every piece promoting to its actual self piece finally king move like normal but can’t move to forward squares,only moves sideways and backwards,7x7 because two queens

my idea would be a game of 3 player chess on a 8x8 square board


Overpowered Pieces Variant

1.) Kings can teleport anywhere on the board

2.) Pawns can move 3 squares

3.) Knights can move as a Longer L shape

4.) Bishops can switch to different color tiles.

5.) Queens move 2 squares forward until they promote. When they promote, they can move in anywhere in a 7x7 area, (teleporting somewhere in a 7x7 range)

6.) Both Castling puts the Kings in the corner and Rooks in the center

7.) Once you en passant, your pawn moves forward 1 tile forward

8.) Rooks can see like queens. They cannot be taken but they cannot move until they see a enemy piece in their eyes. (Like a watch tower)

9.) There are ducks but they can choose to not move in a turn.

10.) You have to explain each move you do to your opponent. If you stutter or your explanation doesn't make sense, you lose time. (Each wrong explanation = -20.00 Seconds)

11.) The Time Clock for this Chess Variant is 15 minutes with 1 second increment

12.) If you blunder a piece, you gain 1 minute of time

13.) If a king in an endgame is alone but the opponent has pieces then the king can spawn a bishop as a last resort (It only works when the opponent has more than 6 value of pieces advantage. Cannot work with 6 pawns)

14.) If two kings are left on the board, whoever got more time than the other gets a queen while the player with less time gets a rook.

15.) If a pawn promotes. It automatically promotes to a Rook (Not a Queen)


Stargate :


Very interesting.

You should check this variant

Your opinion will be very important for me.


8x4 board, setup like normal chess but REMOVING THE EMPTY ROWS, pawns have no double initial step, no castling, and most importantly PAWN TAKES PAWN IS FORBIDDEN.


Chess, but against uno


There is so much interesting information here.


Chess but you have to teleport a piece every 2 turns