
What happened to site?

What happened to website? I didn’t check it for ages and I discovered today that it disappeared. The app on my iPhone still works with the different chess variants but I can only play against the computer and cannot connect to the site since it doesn’t exist anymore. Anyone knows what happened to this great site? Are there any alternative sites or apps?
The dumb autocorrect on my iPhone replaced with in the above message 😄

I noticed that when it happened a few years ago.

From what I read somewhere at the time the website was targeted by hackers and it shut down.

I mentioned this on the chess variants forum when it happened but I was completely ignored as usual.

Because everybody was playing bump chess on the actual forum.


I used to have a chess related blog on Google blogger but it was also targeted by hackers a few years ago.

Woke up one morning and saw that hundreds of page hits were streaming in mainly from Russia but also from the USA and Canada.

They were using a PhantomJS headless web browser which is a web browser without a user interface that is often used by hackers.

Dark web born losers.


God i wish jocly chess variants was back i loved this was devastated when it shut down . Stupid hackers ruining people life . Screw those morons


I heard the Jocly admin named MIG kept letting people harass one really good player on there in their forums, then muting him so he couldn’t reply. MIG didn’t realize he was one of those computer genius types. He gave MIG 2 weeks to delete the nonstop insults and he didn’t do it. So he took down the server like 10 times a day until he gave up. The code is still preserved and the a.I. still running on GothicChess dot info and you can still select any game I think.


I think there was a game where you plant seeds on a hexagonal field with another player. Every tile on this field had 6 holes pointing in every direction. If you make a tile that fills the last hole that isn't filled, the seeds go and fill the holes that the oher holes are pointing to. What was it called?