I think it would be good to combine the best parts from both worlds.
Many of us haven't got the time to play OTB games with a decent timecontrol,
and many of us dosen't think that "slow" chess is the same fun as OTB.
Anny comments?
I think it would be good to combine the best parts from both worlds.
Many of us haven't got the time to play OTB games with a decent timecontrol,
and many of us dosen't think that "slow" chess is the same fun as OTB.
Anny comments?
The point with this is that you can play normal chess even if you don't have the time to finnish it on one day. You need the 3-4 day timelimit, because you might not be able to play for more than half an hour one day, and maybee an hour another day..
Live chess is good, but not if you have an unstable connection.
With most people probably having stable enough connection, there is no reason they would introduce live chess time controls into online chess. What they could introduce though, is time control with limit of minimum 3 moves per 3 days or even per 14 days. This would create much better flow of the game and would reduce stalling. Perhaps.
This is a different form of chess. It's not supposed to be like OTB. Correspondence chess is more about finding the truth of the position and reaching new depths of understanding. In OTB play, you do not have such luxury due to time constraints. These forms of chess complement each other and trying to turn one into another can lead to no good (seems impractical too). On the other hand, if this became a new form of chess, that would be acceptable (though I see little benefit).
My advice is to play faster time controls like 15 0 or to play fewer but longer games. It's hard for me to imagine anyone who can't make 4-5 hours for a standard OTB game every few weeks. In fact, the average American spends 5 hours watching TV PER DAY. That's a lot of dead time that could be used for chess.
This is a different form of chess and that's the point. It's not supposed to be like OTB but each has its place.
I think this is something in between, in normal slow chess, you can use all the help you want. In OTB you have no help.
On sites like this, you have the analyze board, and you can actually cheat, if you dont cheat to much...
With most people probably having stable enough connection, there is no reason they would introduce live chess time controls into online chess. What they could introduce though, is time control with limit of minimum 3 moves per 3 days or even per 14 days. This would create much better flow of the game and would reduce stalling. Perhaps.
Don't you already have that with 1move/day?
I suspect that the OP's idea won't happen, but it he/she can find enough people willing to play in that way, maybe start a group dedicated to these time controls?
Yes, of course it is. But it would perhaps give bigger flexibility to the players. One player could make his all three moves on the third day instead of one move every day. The problem with this is that the other player might have the time on the first two days and not on the third day... So this might not work.
But for those that want to play faster online chess, 3 moves per 1 day is still a good solution in my opinion.
Removing the analyze board would be good in my mind...
And when you drop the pice, the move is sent. No moving around and making variation's before you decide.
Best is to have options and choices. Set up the time controls the way you like. There's another website where you can designate the number of days and the number of moves when you create the challenge; i.e. 1 move in 5 days or 3 moves in 15 days. Or even something like 30 moves in two days or 10 moves in 30 days. I wish we had that option here.
Pskogli - I don't quite understand your proposal. Could you clarify please?
The point with 3 days is because you might not have the time to play evry day, the point with the second time limit, is to make it more like OTB, but not like blitz.
OTB, but no need to finnish the game the same day.
I would prefer real OTB chess with a good timelimit, 2 hours on 40 and 1 hour to finnish, but I have a family, therfor not enough time to spear.
If someone don't understand "my" concept: I mean 2 time controlls on the same game!
3 days as usuall, but a second control with 2 hours on 40 and 1 hour to finnish.
The second control starts when you open the game, no prewiew. No analyze board, and no moving aruound before you confirm your move!
If someone don't understand "my" concept: I mean 2 time controlls on the same game!
3 days as usuall, but a second control with 2 hours on 40 and 1 hour to finnish.
The second control starts when you open the game, no prewiew. No analyze board, and no moving aruound before you confirm your move!
Oh, I think I get what you mean now.. You want to limit the time a player has to actually think about a particular game? your clock starts only when you open the game, and stops as soon as you move. I like that...
If someone don't understand "my" concept: I mean 2 time controlls on the same game!
3 days as usuall, but a second control with 2 hours on 40 and 1 hour to finnish.
The second control starts when you open the game, no prewiew. No analyze board, and no moving aruound before you confirm your move!
Oh, I think I get what you mean now.. You want to limit the time a player has to actually think about a particular game? your clock starts only when you open the game, and stops as soon as you move. I like that...
Yes, that's the idea I like it too!
You could start a new website entitled pskoglichess.com.
In correspondence chess, under ICCF postal rules players have 30 days for 10 moves.
But move receipt date is based on the honor system and in any case favors players who live in country with slower post offices and longer transit times.
Presently on chess.com when you upload a move the server timestamps it and your opponents clock begins ticking.
If you were to adapt the ICCF rule to chess.com play and wait until your opponent opens the page to "receive" your last move before starting his/her clock, I don't think it would speed things up at all because it depends on your opponent actually logging in and pulling up the game.
We would have to disable the feature that lets you hover the mouse over the game and display the position.
So now just for fun think about this...a player wants to sneak a peek at the current position but doesn't want to start his/her clock yet so they sign in from a friends house or internet cafe using a different account, download some pgn's and then take them home for deep analysis without losing any time on the clock.
In short, I don't like the idea. Keep chess.com time controls how they are.
The point is not to remove the "online chess" just to ad a new one.
Yes you could cheat, if people want's to cheat, it's allways a possibility even in OTB chess.
The point is not to speed things up, just give people a possibility to play "real" chess, even if they havent got the time to finnish one game on the same day.
You could have all kind of time controlls, but I se no point in to little time, you have regular blitz and "long" time limits for that.
www.pskoglichess.com is available
If I had the time to make a new website, I would use it to play OTB games instead. I use sites like chess.com because I can play many games when I have the time to spear.
-If I could, I would chose OTB, Actually I play on this site like I play a OTB game, I don't use the analyze board, I only calculate in my mind, and I don't use much time on each move, max 5 min.
I just got this idea:
Would it work if there was a second time contol in standard "slow" chess?
Let's say in a 3day on each move, you had a time limit of 2 hours on 40 and some time to finnish. No analyze board, and the move is sendt when you drop the pice.
This would make it more like OTB, you could still cheat off course, but more like OTB annyway.
The clock would start when you open the game, and you have no prewiew of the game.
Just stupid?? I know, I would play