Try dragging your king directly onto the pertinent rook.
Chess960 Castling issue/problem
Hi guys,
I got an answer from technical support. The way you do castling in Chess960 is to first 'click' the king, then without moving it, 'click' the rook. It works nicely.
Watch your backrank.
Hi guys,
I am looking for help. I am playing a chess 960 game and I want to Castle Queenside 0-0-0. I have (in their starting positions) a Rook on a1 and my King on b1. There are no pieces on c1 or d1. None of the squares a1-b1-c1-d1 is under attack. Also, neither the king or rook has been moved. I should be able to castle queenside which would/should leave my king on c1 and the rook on d1. I have tried moving my Rook to d1, but that is not allowed. I have tried moving my King to c1, which is allowed by the software, but it doesn't move my rook to d1. So it allows Kc1 but doesn't consider this castling.
My question is, how do I castle queenside from this position?