Exchange or also known as 'Double'/'Bughouse'/'Siamese'/'Transfer'/'Tandem' CHESS is a game where 2 people are on a team and are against 2 other people. Each team has one person black and one person white.
The game is just like normal chess but everytime you take one of your opponents pieces off, you give it to your partner who can put the piece on the board ANYWHERE. (may vary if you like it different) (Pawns can be put on the 7th rank but may also be changed) (Pieces can be put in check or checkmate but also can be changed)
When 1 person wins, the whole team wins and the game is so fun!
Exchange or also known as 'Double'/'Bughouse'/'Siamese'/'Transfer'/'Tandem' CHESS is a game where 2 people are on a team and are against 2 other people. Each team has one person black and one person white.
The game is just like normal chess but everytime you take one of your opponents pieces off, you give it to your partner who can put the piece on the board ANYWHERE. (may vary if you like it different) (Pawns can be put on the 7th rank but may also be changed) (Pieces can be put in check or checkmate but also can be changed)
When 1 person wins, the whole team wins and the game is so fun!
Some tactics: