I haven't tried this but it might work. How about:
1. "Game or sequence of moves"
2. "Start with a blank chessboard"
3. Hit "Clear Board"
4. Set the board up manually and enter all the moves likewise.
I still think castling is going to be a problem but I'm out of ideas.
Hi all, I wonder if any of you can help me on this.
I have tried to post a 960Chess game using the PGN file I have... however, it is not recognised as 960 but as standard... therefore everything is mixed up:
[Event "FRCEC M0003"] [Site "FRCEC"] [Date "2004.05.08"] [Round "1"] [White "Jose Carrillo-Muniz"] [Black "Jean-Pierre Avy"] [Result "1-0"] [FEN "rknnbbqr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RKNNBBQR w KQkq -"] [SetUp "1"] [Mode "EM"] 1.d4 f6 2.f3 e5 3.e4 d5 4.dxe5 fxe5 5.exd5 Qxd5 6.Nc3 Qf7 7.Nd3 Nc6 8.Bg3 Bd6 9.Qe3 1-0
Do you know how to post those games here in chess.com?? (of course, using the tool to post games)