The only problem with variants like this is they can't be played online since the illegal moves wouldn't be allowed (although on a solid chessboard with real pieces anything is possible!). And now I must ask the inevitable question: are the two moves below legal in leapfrog chess?
Leapfrog Chess
The only problem with variants like this is they can't be played online since the illegal moves wouldn't be allowed (although on a solid chessboard with real pieces anything is possible!). And now I must ask the inevitable question: are the two moves below legal in leapfrog chess?
I never thought of that. I guess they are legal.
How can you make the pieces jump over other pieces when you try to make it on an analysis board? and how do you make the blue color moves?
How can you make the pieces jump over other pieces when you try to make it on an analysis board? and how do you make the blue color moves?
You would have to do a PGN format to make illegal moves. The blue color moves are variations (you can do it without a PGN format, just enter the variation and it will be in parenthesis)
I made up this variant in another thread. It is leapfrog chess. The rules are that a piece (except the pawn, king, or knight) can jump over pieces. A piece can jump over only one piece at a time. A pawn may jump over a piece only if it is moving 2 squares forward. If b1 for white or b8 for black is occupied, castling is still legal. For example, a game might begin like this:
For white, note that in the beginning of the game, some people thought of 1. Qh5+. This doesn't work because black can just play Rxh5.