I think this is illogical. Chess games normally end when your King is gone. You cannot make moves after that, all your pieces die with it. So there should be no Time Thief to restore your King. This is the reason you cannot resolve a check by pinning the checking piece.
And in Spartan Chess, where the Spartans can promote to King, you cannot 'restore your King' with such a promotion and happily continue playing the move after your last King was captured.
The King is not in check if he is indirectly protected by the restoring abilities of the friendly Time Thieve.
I did some rethinking, and after finding crazy or contradictionary scenario's I have decided to put some restrictions on this.
First I would like to define conditional check as the state where a King is attacked by enemy pieces, but after each capture the friendly Time Thief could restore his King.
An example: