Oh. I forgot to add. I my web site is pure hobby. I won't share your information with anyone. I won't send spam. If you give me your email address, the one and only purpose it will be used for will be to send out emails announcing or trying to organize tournaments.
I am hoping to find people interested in an "over the board" tournament of Chess960, Xiangqi, Shogi, or other Chess variants in the Detroit area.
Internet play is all well and good, but I greatly prefer real, live, people across a solid board.
So, my approach is to collect names of people who might be interested, and when I have enough, I'll find a venue and hold a tournament.
This tournament will not be a big deal. I don't need hordes of players. Frankly, I would show up if I could guarantee that there would be three other players, and we could play a "quad" style event. It's really just about getting together with live opponents. The fee will be small to none, depending on where it is held. Under no circumstances would I charge more than ten dollars, and probably less. The prize, likewise, will be of little or no value.
It's really all about getting together and having fun and enjoying an afternoon of not quite Chess.
If this interests you, and you live close enough to Detroit that you could make it (schedule permitting, of course), drop me a message with your name and email, or go to http://gamesinmichigan.com and click on the "Chess variant interest group" link. Provide your name and email, and a little bit about what sort of variants of Chess you would like to play, or other information to guide how to do the tournament. When I have enough names, I will try to do the organization and get something happening.
As for what games to play, the variants that I think have enough support that we might achieve "critical mass" for a tournament would be Chess960, Xiangqi, Shogi, or Bughouse. Of course, if I get 20 people signed up expressing an interest in Tamerlane Chess or Extinction Chess, we can do that instead, but the four that I mentioned seem to have the greatest following among potential real players.